The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2019-2023


Publications about Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Member Organization (SSARMO)
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Publications co-authored with institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Member Organization (SSARMO)
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Projects related to Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Member Organization (SSARMO)
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  • Women
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Postdoctoral researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Member Organization (SSARMO)
  • Women
  • Men
YSSPers from Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Member Organization (SSARMO)
  • Women
  • Men
  • Unknown
Total number of alumni from Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Member Organization (SSARMO)
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People picking up litter on a sandy beach

02 September 2024

IIASA-led research lauded with Outstanding Article Award

An IIASA-led paper published with collaborators and stakeholders from the Ghana Statistical Service, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), SDSN TReNDS, and other partners has received the Outstanding Article Award in the journal Sustainability Science’s Best Paper Awards for 2023.
African people collecting recyclables from trash.

15 April 2024

Collaborating to devise a strategy for organic waste management in Uganda

IIASA researchers are participating in a new project kicking off in Uganda this week, in which IIASA and a number of international partners will work with Ugandan stakeholders to co-develop a national strategy for organic waste management in the country.
Windmill Africa Dreamstime

12 December 2023

Giacomo Falchetta receives the IAMC Best Online Poster Award

IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment researcher, Giacomo Falchetta, received the Best Online Poster Award at the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC)’s recent Sixteenth Annual Meeting in Venice, Italy, for his project focusing on integrated modeling of renewable energy-centered sustainable development futures in rural Africa.


Volunteers picking up trash on a sunny beach

29 August 2024

Experiencing the science that we write about

IIASA researcher, Linda See, shares her experiences at the coalface of where plastic pollution is collected by volunteers during a beach cleanup event.

Local people working in their field, near Lamin village, Gambia, West Africa

08 July 2024

Future food demand in The Gambia: can increased crop productivity and climate adaptation close the supply–demand gap?

The Gambia faces significant food availability issues due to low agricultural productivity. IIASA researchers and colleagues used the FABLE Calculator to explore actions to reduce the food supply-demand gap by 2050. The results, published in Food Security, reveal that current cropland will not meet food demand by 2050.
