The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Classification |
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX | 2023 | 2027 | CLIMAAX | Global |
Socioeconomic Pathways, Adaptation and Resilience to Changing CLimate in Europe | 2023 | 2027 | SPARCCLE | Global |
Integrated Design of the Components of the Energy System to Plan the Uptake of Renewable Energy Sources | 2023 | 2027 | iDesignRES | Global |
Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions | 2023 | 2026 | Tools4CAP | Global |
Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions | 2022 | 2026 | RESCUE | Global |
Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory | 2023 | 2026 | AI4SoilHealth | Global |
Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios | 2023 | 2026 | SPES | Global |
WorldTrans - Transparent Assessments for Real People | 2022 | 2026 | WorldTrans | Global |
Advanced ensemble projections for indirect impacts of nuclear winter in global food systems | 2023 | 2026 | ANFOS | Global |
Open Modelling Toolbox for development of long-term pathways for the energy system in Africa | 2023 | 2026 | OpenMod4Africa | Global |
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Funder |
Strengthening ASEAN Member State Policies with Environmental Health Data on Costs of Inaction and Co-Benefits | 2022 | 2023 | ASEAN ENV-HEALTH | THE UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME (UNEP) |
INMS: CWI-UNEP Global Nitrogen Cycle Towards INMS | 2017 | 2023 | INMS | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) |
CSIRO-IRP Global Resource Outlook | 2022 | 2023 | IRP Global Resource Outlook | United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) |
Sciency-policy Interface in Support of Resource Efficiency: The International Resource Panel | 2022 | 2023 | IRP_assessment | United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) |
Sectoral pathway comparison tool | 2023 | 2023 | UNEP-Sector Explorer | United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) |
A comprehensive waste management model for promoting effective decision-making and sustained climate change stabilisation for South Africa | 2022 | 2023 | WASTE-SA | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) |
Sustainable aviation fuel potential in South America | 2020 | 2021 | SUAVSAM | WWF South Africa |
DRR: DRR investment in its effectiveness | 2019 | 2020 | DRR | The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) |
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Unknown

05 November 2024
Women's education influences fertility rates in sub-Saharan Africa

02 September 2024
IIASA-led research lauded with Outstanding Article Award

15 April 2024
Collaborating to devise a strategy for organic waste management in Uganda

29 August 2024
Experiencing the science that we write about
IIASA researcher, Linda See, shares her experiences at the coalface of where plastic pollution is collected by volunteers during a beach cleanup event.

08 July 2024
Future food demand in The Gambia: can increased crop productivity and climate adaptation close the supply–demand gap?
The Gambia faces significant food availability issues due to low agricultural productivity. IIASA researchers and colleagues used the FABLE Calculator to explore actions to reduce the food supply-demand gap by 2050. The results, published in Food Security, reveal that current cropland will not meet food demand by 2050.
Hemerijckx, L.-M., De Vos, K., Kaunda, J.O., & Van Rompaey, A. (2025). Future scenarios for urban agriculture and food security in sub-Saharan Africa: Modelling the urban land-food system in an agent-based approach. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 118 e102258. 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2025.102258. Joseph, J., Tramberend, S. , Kabi, F., Fischer, G., & Kahil, T. (2025). Sustainable intensification of fodder crop production can mitigate feed shortage and seasonality in East Africa. Environmental Development 54 e101158. 10.1016/j.envdev.2025.101158. KC, A., Abbasi-Shavazi, M., Eigelaar-Meets, I., Lijadi, A.A., Reiter, C. , Striessnig, E. , & Lutz, W. (2025). Assessing sustainable wellbeing in Africa through “Years of Good Life”. Environmental Development 54 e101140. 10.1016/j.envdev.2025.101140. Willaarts, B. , Campo, P., Magnuszewski, P., Odume, N., Clifford-Holmes, J., Palmer, T., Murata, C., Barreteau, O., Bonte, N., Guillermit, J., Dione, B., Diouf, S., & Lo, H.M. (2024). SDG pathfinding methodological framework: Participatory Approach to Localise the Sustainable Development Agenda. Belmont Forum Project Report “SDG Pathfinding: Co-creating pathways to sustainable development in Africa”. IIASA , Laxenburg, Austria. Hoffmann, R. & Zens, G. (2024). Interrelated drivers of migration intentions in Africa: Evidence from Afrobarometer surveys. Environmental Development 52 e101096. 10.1016/j.envdev.2024.101096.