The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Classification |
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX | 2023 | 2027 | CLIMAAX | Global |
Socioeconomic Pathways, Adaptation and Resilience to Changing CLimate in Europe | 2023 | 2027 | SPARCCLE | Global |
Integrated Design of the Components of the Energy System to Plan the Uptake of Renewable Energy Sources | 2023 | 2027 | iDesignRES | Global |
Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions | 2023 | 2026 | Tools4CAP | Global |
Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions | 2022 | 2026 | RESCUE | Global |
Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory | 2023 | 2026 | AI4SoilHealth | Global |
Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios | 2023 | 2026 | SPES | Global |
WorldTrans - Transparent Assessments for Real People | 2022 | 2026 | WorldTrans | Global |
Advanced ensemble projections for indirect impacts of nuclear winter in global food systems | 2023 | 2026 | ANFOS | Global |
Open Modelling Toolbox for development of long-term pathways for the energy system in Africa | 2023 | 2026 | OpenMod4Africa | Global |
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Unknown

22 November 2024
Systems analysis to tackle the monopolistic power in the era of AI

05 November 2024
How ecosystem restoration benefits national policies

04 November 2024
AmazonFACE inauguration video (launch of 2nd phase)

29 October 2024
Biodiversity COP16 in Colombia: Time to deliver
Who lives up to the promises made two years ago? Not many. Only about 35 countries have a strategy on how to meet biodiversity targets, says Piero Visconti, Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation (BEC) Research Group Leader at IIASA. But in 2022, at COP15 in Montreal, the countries pledged to preserve 30 percent of the planet’s land and seas. At the same time, rich countries also don’t live up to their promise to help the poor with financing. This COP needs to show results.
27 June 2024

Svensson, J., Avashia, V., Boer, R., Chaturvedi, R.K., Cotta, M., Dubeux, C., Sugih Immanuel, G., La Rovere, E.L., Patange, O. , Rossita, A., & Vishwanathan, S.S. (2024). The AFOLU sector’s role in national decarbonization: a comparative analysis of low-GHG development pathways in Brazil, India and Indonesia. Climate Policy 1-18. 10.1080/14693062.2024.2391048. Schenuit, F., Brutschin, E. , Geden, O., Guo, F. , Mohan, A., Oliveira Fiorini, A.C., Saluja, S., Schaeffer, R., & Riahi, K. (2024). Taking stock of carbon dioxide removal policy in emerging economies: developments in Brazil, China, and India. Climate Policy 1-20. 10.1080/14693062.2024.2353148. Condessa, G., Ismail, K., Hunt, J. , Ponce Júnior, N., Velásquez, R., Borges, V., Tomé, F., de Souza, C., Gazoli, J., & Bindemann, F. (2023). Electricity generation potential from natural gas pressure reduction turbines in Brazil. Energy Efficiency 16 (8) e97. 10.1007/s12053-023-10176-8. Lee, S., Freer, M., Wood, R., Edelenbosch, O., Sharmina, M., Doelman, J., van Vuuren, D., & Wilson, C. (2023). From future diets to dishes: communicating dietary shift associated with a 1.5°C scenario for Brazil, China, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 e1266708. 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1266708. Soterroni, A., Império, M., Scarabello, M., Seddon, N., Obersteiner, M. , Rochedo, P., Schaeffer, R., Andrade, P., Ramos, F., Azevedo, T., Ometto, J., Havlik, P. , & Alencar, A. (2023). Nature‐based solutions are critical for putting Brazil on track towards net‐zero emissions by 2050. Global Change Biology 29 7085-7101. 10.1111/gcb.16984. Rinke Dias de Souza, N., Palma Petrielli, G., Dourado Hernandes, T., Leduc, S., Di Fulvio, F. , de Souza Henzler, D., Ferreira Chagas, M., Lopes Junqueira, T., & Cavalett, O. (2023). Bioenergy-livestock integration in Brazil: Unraveling potentials for energy production and climate change mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production 422 e138586. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138586.