The BEC Group develops and applies state-of-the art ecological knowledge, methods, and tools to understand ecosystem functioning, biodiversity change, and feedbacks in coupled social-economic-ecological systems. We use this knowledge to develop management options to achieve biodiversity and sustainability goals
The BEC group is the institute’s hub of applied ecology and conservation research. The group provides the needed ecological and conservation insights to help IIASA promote institutional, demographic, behavioral, technological, social, and economic changes that achieve development goals sustainably.
The group’s key research areas include:
- Ecological responses to natural and anthropogenic drivers of change, for example, land and water management and climate change.
- How to prioritize conservation efforts to maximize positive impacts at scales from local to global (e.g., habitat restoration and conservation, and species management plans).
- How species and ecosystems contribute to selected ecosystem services and human wellbeing.
Models, tools, datasets

05 November 2024
How ecosystem restoration benefits national policies

30 October 2024
Three pathways to achieve global climate and sustainable development goals

22 August 2024
Meeting ambitious restoration targets in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

29 October 2024
Biodiversity COP16 in Colombia: Time to deliver
Who lives up to the promises made two years ago? Not many. Only about 35 countries have a strategy on how to meet biodiversity targets, says Piero Visconti, Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation (BEC) Research Group Leader at IIASA. But in 2022, at COP15 in Montreal, the countries pledged to preserve 30 percent of the planet’s land and seas. At the same time, rich countries also don’t live up to their promise to help the poor with financing. This COP needs to show results.

17 July 2024
Biodiversity lessons from nature
IIASA researchers Silvia Artuso and Juliette Martin reflect on a recent workshop presented at the Institute as part of the IIASA School Engagement Initiative, during which they introduced students to systems analysis and took them on an adventure to explore the amazing biodiversity of Laxenburg park.
Gould, E., Fraser, H., Parker, T., Nakagawa, S., Griffith, S., Vesk, P., Fidler, F., Hamilton, D., Abbey-Lee, R., Abbott, J., Aguirre, L., Alcaraz, C., Aloni, I., Altschul, D., Arekar, K., Atkins, J., Atkinson, J., Baker, C., Barrett, M., Bell, K., Bello, S., Beltrán, I., Berauer, B., Bertram, M., Billman, P., Blake, C., Blake, S., Bliard, L., Bonisoli-Alquati, A., Bonnet, T., Bordes, C., Bose, A., Botterill-James, T., Boyd, M., Boyle, S., Bradfer-Lawrence, T., Bradham, J., Brand, J., Brengdahl, M., Bulla, M., Bussière, L., Camerlenghi, E., Campbell, S., Campos, L., Caravaggi, A., Cardoso, P., Carroll, C., Catanach, T., Chen, X., Chik, H., Choy, E., Christie, A., Chuang, A., Chunco, A., Clark, B., Contina, A., Covernton, G., Cox, M., Cressman, K., Crotti, M., Crouch, C., D’Amelio, P., de Sousa, A., Döbert, T., Dobler, R., Dobson, A., Doherty, T., Drobniak, S., Duffy, A., Duncan, A., Dunn, R., Dunning, J., Dutta, T., Eberhart-Hertel, L., Elmore, J., Elsherif, M., English, H., Ensminger, D., Ernst, U., Ferguson, S., Fernandez-Juricic, E., Ferreira-Arruda, T., Fieberg, J., Finch, E., Fiorenza, E., Fisher, D., Fontaine, A., Forstmeier, W., Fourcade, Y., Frank, G., Freund, C., Fuentes-Lillo, E., Gandy, S., Gannon, D., García-Cervigón, A., Garretson, A., Ge, X., Geary, W., Géron, C., Gilles, M., Girndt, A., Gliksman, D., Goldspiel, H., Gomes, D., Good, M., Goslee, S., Gosnell, S., Grames, E., Gratton, P., Grebe, N., Greenler, S., Griffioen, M., Griffith, D., Griffith, F., Grossman, J., Güncan, A., Haesen, S., Hagan, J., Hager, H., Harris, J., Harrison, N., Hasnain, S., Havird, J., Heaton, A., Herrera-Chaustre, M., Howard, T., Hsu, B.-Y., Iannarilli, F., Iranzo, E., Iverson, E., Jimoh, S., Johnson, D., Johnsson, M., Jorna, J., Jucker, T., Jung, M., Kačergytė, I., Kaltz, O., Ke, A., Kelly, C., Keogan, K., Keppeler, F., Killion, A., Kim, D., Kochan, D., Korsten, P., Kothari, S., Kuppler, J., Kusch, J., Lagisz, M., Lalla, K., Larkin, D., Larson, C., Lauck, K., Lauterbur, M., Law, A., Léandri-Breton, D.-J., Lembrechts, J., L’Herpiniere, K., Lievens, E., de Lima, D., Lindsay, S., Luquet, M., MacLeod, R., Macphie, K., Magellan, K., Mair, M., Malm, L., Mammola, S., Mandeville, C., Manhart, M., Manrique-Garzon, L., Mäntylä, E., Marchand, P., Marshall, B., Martin, C., Martin, D., Martin, J., Martinig, A., McCallum, E., McCauley, M., McNew, S., Meiners, S., Merkling, T., Michelangeli, M., Moiron, M., Moreira, B., Mortensen, J., Mos, B., Muraina, T., Murphy, P., Nelli, L., Niemelä, P., Nightingale, J., Nilsonne, G., Nolazco, S., Nooten, S., Novotny, J., Olin, A., Organ, C., Ostevik, K., Palacio, F., Paquet, M., Parker, D., Pascall, D., Pasquarella, V., Paterson, J., Payo-Payo, A., Pedersen, K., Perez, G., Perry, K., Pottier, P., Proulx, M., Proulx, R., Pruett, J., Ramananjato, V., Randimbiarison, F., Razafindratsima, O., Rennison, D., Riva, F., Riyahi, S., Roast, M., Rocha, F., Roche, D., Román-Palacios, C., Rosenberg, M., Ross, J., Rowland, F., Rugemalila, D., Russell, A., Ruuskanen, S., Saccone, P., Sadeh, A., Salazar, S., Sales, K., Salmón, P., Sánchez-Tójar, A., Santos, L., Santostefano, F., Schilling, H., Schmidt, M., Schmoll, T., Schneider, A., Schrock, A., Schroeder, J., Schtickzelle, N., Schultz, N., Scott, D., Scroggie, M., Shapiro, J., Sharma, N., Shearer, C., Simón, D., Sitvarin, M., Skupien, F., Slinn, H., Smith, G., Smith, J., Sollmann, R., Whitney, K., Still, S., Stuber, E., Sutton, G., Swallow, B., Taff, C., Takola, E., Tanentzap, A., Tarjuelo, R., Telford, R., Thawley, C., Thierry, H., Thomson, J., Tidau, S., Tompkins, E., Tortorelli, C., Trlica, A., Turnell, B., Urban, L., Van de Vondel, S., van der Wal, J., Van Eeckhoven, J., van Oordt, F., Vanderwel, K., Vanderwel, M., Vanderwolf, K., Vélez, J., Vergara-Florez, D., Verrelli, B., Vieira, M., Villamil, N., Vitali, V., Vollering, J., Walker, J., Walker, X., Walter, J., Waryszak, P., Weaver, R., Wedegärtner, R., Weller, D., Whelan, S., White, R., Wolfson, D., Wood, A., Yanco, S., Yen, J., Youngflesh, C., Zilio, G., Zimmer, C., Zimmerman, G., & Zitomer, R. 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