What is the role of research in environmental negotiations? IIASA Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation Research Group Leader, Piero Visconti will be participating in a round table discussion at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, looking at how research can strengthen the role of environmental knowledge in international cooperation for a just and sustainable future. 

Global environmental negotiations provide states with a legitimate framework to negotiate environmental protection measures. They bring together different actors within the highly structured framework of international diplomacy and create the conditions for legitimate voices in global environmental policy, including the voices of science, to be recognized.

During the event titled, The future of global environmental negotiations: Assessing the role of science and technology, experts will reflect on current developments in the fields of biodiversity, marine conservation, and climate change and look for ways to strengthen the role of environmental knowledge in international cooperation for a just and sustainable future. The round table discussion will be preceded by a keynote address by political scientist Alice Vadrot on the topic, How science shapes environmental policy: A multi-sited approach.



Event program © Austrian Academy of Sciences

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