The IACC Group leads the development of tools for a new generation of “coupled” global transformation pathways that are able to represent bottom-up local constraints and opportunities at the national and sub-national scale, which is a major focus of the ECE Program.

IACC’s central goal is the development of response strategies and alternative pathways towards a low-carbon economy, taking into account the many linkages to all aspects of society and the environment. For this purpose, the IACC group develops and maintains methods, including the MESSAGEix model which is at the heart of IIASA's Integrated Assessment Modeling framework.

First, the integration of climate change impacts into the IAM framework to account for the main benefits of mitigation, that is, avoided climate change impacts which, in turn, has implications for a wide set of sustainable development objectives. Better understanding how climate impacts will affect different parts of the population, taking into account the aspects of vulnerability and equity and the degree to which affected population segments are able to adapt, will therefore be a key research focus leading to a quantification of the benefits of mitigation beyond simple economic considerations based on monetized impacts.

Second, material cycles are integrated into the IAM framework to broaden the strategy space beyond classic energy- and land-based climate mitigation strategies by including important elements of circular economy approaches. Initially, the focus is on bulk materials such as steel, cement, non-ferrous metals, or plastics, with the aim to also include important critical materials for key low-carbon technologies, such as batteries and fuel cells.

Third, with decision-making support requiring input at different levels - global, regional, national, and subnational - the integration of analysis across different spatial scales is a research focus relevant to all the previously listed topics of the IACC group, requiring further methodological and tool development. Key aspects of this challenge will be, on the one hand, increasing the spatial and temporal granularity of relevant parts of the IAM framework, and on the other, explicitly representing a wider set of policy options, for example, to develop climate action plans at the national or subnational scale.  

Finally, IIASA operates a community data hub for global climate change mitigation and transformation pathways, for example, by hosting multiple key datasets for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC). These globally-focused efforts are complemented by activities that support the development of national mitigation strategies as well as sector-specific activities such as supporting the finance community in using mitigation scenarios to assess the transition and physical climate change risks of, for instance, investment portfolios.


Non-CO2 greenhouse gas sources

ECE Nexus

Scenario Services and Scientific Software

Modeling for National Transformations


Models, tools, datasets

gas pipeline

Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impact (MESSAGEix)

India Forest

The NExus Solutions Tool (NEST)

Photo 134399877 © Designer491 |

ENGAGE Scenario Explorer


AR6 Scenario Explorer and Database



Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions (RESCUE)

Beige and colored pawns grouped together

Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions (ENGAGE)

From linear economy to a circular economy

Developing circular pathways for a EU low-carbon transition (CircEUlar)

Photo 260785013 © Mirko Kuzmanovic |

Development of a global integrated assessment modeling system for climate-air pollutants management focused on Northeast Asia (GUIDE)


Volker Krey profile picture

Volker Krey

Research Group Leader and Principal Research Scholar (IACC)

Verena Rauchenwald profile picture

Verena Rauchenwald

Researcher (IACC)

Placeholder, because no staff image is available

Ruslana Palatnik

Guest Senior Research Scholar (IACC, S3)

Karl Scheifinger profile picture

Karl Scheifinger

Researcher (IACC)


Pakistan ADB

09 December 2024

IIASA model helps Asian Development Bank quantify costs of low-carbon transition in Pakistan

In a recent report, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) concluded that Pakistan will require $391 billion to achieve the low-carbon transition by 2050. The report uses the IIASA MESSAGEix framework to analyze the low-carbon transition pathways in Pakistan, the energy sector, the greenhouse gas emissions, and the associated challenges.  
Abstract background with golden sparcles on a dark blue background

19 November 2024

IIASA researchers recognized on Clarivate’s 2024 Highly Cited Researchers™ List

The 2024 Highly Cited Researchers™ list by Clarivate celebrates individuals whose research has had a profound and wide-reaching impact. IIASA is proud to have its Director General, Hans Joachim (John) Schellnhuber, as well as 10 additional exceptional researchers associated with the Institute recognized for their contributions in various fields.
NGFS Scenarios

13 November 2024

IIASA researchers help central banks to assess climate risks in the financial sector

IIASA researchers provide over one hundred central banks all over the world with scenarios that help them make the financial sector more resilient to climate change. The scenarios have recently been updated to reflect advances in climate policies and assess risks more comprehensively. This work was conducted by a scientific consortium to support the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).


Melting of glaciers and the Greenland ice sheet

04 November 2024

Overshooting 1.5°C is risky – that’s why we need to hedge our bets

In a new article published on The Conversation, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Gurav Ganti, and Joeri Rogelj discuss the urgent need to accelerate global emissions reductions to limit global warming to 1.5°C, cautioning against reliance on overshoot scenarios that assume temporary warming above 1.5°C, which may lead to irreversible climate impacts.

Icons depicting environmental cooperation, collaboration for a sustainable environmental future superimposed on picture showing hands typing on a laptop

25 September 2024

How policymakers make informed decisions for climate action

Have you ever wondered how policymakers make informed decisions for climate action? "That’s an easy one," you might say. "With science of course!" But even for scientists, understanding the world's climate is complex, and forecasting potential future developments is even more so. IIASA 2024 Science Communication Intern, Moritz Boeswirth explored this topic.
