The CircEUlar project aims to understand the dynamics and levers for societal transformation towards a net-zero emission circular economy.

CircEUlar will develop new modelling approaches for analysing circularity from a systems perspective accounting for:

  1. dematerialisation and the transition to a service-based economy to limit material stock growth;
  2. lifetime extension of material stocks through repair, maintenance, reuse;
  3. waste treatment and material recycling.

CircEUlar’s approach will be comprehensive, combining new data and modelling of economy-wide material stocks and flows, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and industrial value chains across interlinked sectors, with deep-dive analysis of mobility and buildings as material-intensive demand sectors. These two focus areas have large material stocks, potential for circular transformation, and strong dependence on both circular consumption and production practices.

CircEUlar will also focus on digitalisation as a potential enabler of dematerialisation and supply chain circularity. CircEUlar integrates multiple fields of data, knowledge and expertise including:

  1. empirical analysis of firm and consumer propensities towards circular economy measures;
  2. industry input on process-level innovations and circular economy business models;
  3. modelling analysis of economy-wide material stocks and flows, and policy levers of change towards societal transformation.

CircEUlar will integrate new insights on circular economy potentials and impacts into EU and global modelling frameworks for:

  1. analysing alternative pathways to net-zero GHG emissions;
  2. testing effective policy levers for both circular production and consumption;
  3. assessing outcomes for climate, environment, economy and society, in line with European Green Deal objectives.

Funding acknowledgements

Funded by the European Union under grant agreement No. 101056810. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Funding Acknowledgements

Published papers:



09 October 2024

The CircEUlar project: bridging business practices and consumer behaviours in circularity

Last month, CircEUlar had its third in-person consortium meeting hosted by the University of Groningen at the, very appropriately named, House of Connections. Twenty-eight CircEUlar members from across 12 research organizations met over three days of collaborative working. The meeting was also an opportunity for T6 Ecosystems, University of Groningen and CircEUlar’s sister-project CircoMod, to design, plan and deliver a stakeholder workshop, "Towards Net-Zero through a Circular Economy: the consumer and business perspectives". 
Mini electric cars at electric charging station in city of Frankfurt at night.

04 June 2024

Innovative demand strategies for clean energy

A perspective piece published in Nature Climate Change describes innovative strategies that significantly reduce both resource consumption and fossil fuel emissions.
KunstHaus Wien

21 May 2024

IIASA is among the scientific partners of the Vienna Climate Biennale with CircEUlar project

The first Vienna Climate Biennale started its 100 day long festival program in April. CircEUlar is among the scientific partners of the Biennale, providing content on the potential of circular economy strategies to combat climate change.