Florian Maczek
Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group
Energy, Climate, and Environment Program
Mastrucci, A. , Guo, F. , Zhong, X., Maczek, F., & van Ruijven, B. (2024). Circular strategies for building sector decarbonization in China: A scenario analysis. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10.1111/jiec.13523.
Ünlü, G. , Maczek, F., Min, J. , Frank, S. , Glatter, F., Kishimoto, P.N. , Streeck, J., Eisenmenger, N., Krey, V. , & Wiedenhofer, D. (2024). MESSAGEix-Materials v1.0.0: Representation of Material Flows and Stocks in an Integrated Assessment Model. Preprint 10.5194/egusphere-2023-3035. (Submitted)
Richters, O., Kriegler, E., Al Khourdajie, A. , Bertram, C., Bresch, D., Cui, R., Edmonds, J., Hackstock, P., Hurst, I., Kikstra, J. , Klein, D., Kotz, M., Kropf, C., Lewis, J., Liadze, I., Mandaroux, R., Meinshausen, M., Min, J. , Nicholls, Z., Piontek, F., Sanchez Juanino, P., Sauer, I., Sferra, F., Stevanović, M., van Ruijven, B. , Weigmann, P., Westphal, M., Zhao, A., Zwerling, M., Fawcett, A., Fuhrman, J., George, M., Ju, Y., Wenz, L., Abrahão, G., Baumstark, L., Chen, D., Dietrich, J., Durga, S., Fricko, O. , Hasse, R., Hoppe, J., Humpenöder, F., Gokul, I., Javaid, A., Joshi, S., Kishimoto, P. , Koch, J., Krey, V. , Lochner, E., Luderer, G., Maczek, F., Mastrucci, A. , Meng, M., Merfort, A., Patel, P., Pehl, M., Pelz, S. , Zhao, X., von Jeetze, P., Ünlü, G. , Schreyer, F., & Rüter, T. (2024). NGFS Climate Scenarios Data Set V.5. 10.5281/zenodo.5782903.
Ünlü, G. , Maczek, F., Min, J. , Krey, V. , & Frank, S. (2023). The role of chemicals in the transition towards a lowcarbon and circular society: an integrated assessment modeling approach. In: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, July 2023.
Steininger, K.W., Williges, K., Meyer, L.H., Maczek, F., & Riahi, K. (2022). Sharing the effort of the European Green Deal among countries. Nature Communications 13 (1) e3673. 10.1038/s41467-022-31204-8.