Dr. Raya Muttarak, IIASA Population and Just Societies Program Director, is invited to talk about population dynamics and climate change in a round table discussion organized by Brazilian Association for Population Studies (ABEP)

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This event is organized by Brazilian Association for Population Studies (ABEP), a partnership between the Population, Space and Environment Group and the ABEP Demographic Projections and Estimates Committee, which share interests in the use, construction and reflection on various common analytical methods and tools to face new challenges using interdisciplinary approaches in population studies.

In times of pandemic, climate change, deep political and economic crisis demography is summoned to find new methodologies and data sources to understand the latest trends in population dynamics in a very challenging context. The search for interdisciplinarity becomes a key element for understanding this complex scenario, through the use of alternative methodologies, estimates and data sources that will help to understand these multiple dimensions and their interconnections, such as the persistent impacts of the pandemic on increasing inequalities and vulnerability.

Friday 15 October, 2021

Time: 15:00 (Brazil time) 20:00 (CEST)

For more information ( in Portuguese) visit the organizer's website


The talk focuses on the reciprocal relationships between population dynamics and climate change. Human population is closely linked with the environmental system both through the impact of population dynamics on the climate system and as an agent being affected by climate change. First, Dr. Muttarak will discuss how human population influences the climate through production and consumption and how population dynamics including population size, distribution and composition  matters. The demographic metabolism theory which explain societal changes partly through cohort replacement is also introduced as a conceptual framework underlying forecasting of future population dynamics and their impact on the climate. Next, she will explain the differential impact of climate change on human population emphasizing on demographically differentiated vulnerability. In particular, the potential feedback of climate change on population dynamics through influencing the three demographic components: fertility, mortality and migration, will be explored. Finally, advancement in population projections and its relevance for the climate change community will be discussed.


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