The Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE) Program will host the fourth MESSAGEix Community Meeting in May 2025. The meeting aims to bring together researchers working on integrated assessment and/or energy system modeling using open source software.
The MESSAGEix Community Meeting is a platform for showcasing new developments and features of the MESSAGEix modeling framework, sharing knowledge on various modeling approaches and applications of the framework, and discussing best practices in model-based policy analysis. The meeting is a place for facilitating collaboration between MESSAGEix users from around the world, by creating a forum where users can share their latest research outcomes and modeling experiences.
The Community Meeting also aims to inspire new users of the MESSAGEix framework on the range of available possibilities and link them with other users in order to help them advance their modeling work.
With this fourth meeting, we hope to further grow and sustain the MESSAGEix community who is already contributing to major international assessments and many scenario studies at global, national, and subnational scales. Sharing knowledge and mutual support will help find new ways to apply modeling for offering solutions to complex problems related to climate change mitigation, impacts, adaptation, and energy as well as broader sustainability transitions.
The meeting will be in a hybrid format, with the possibility of attending online or in person. For attending the meeting and receiving related material, please kindly fill in the online registration form.
The meeting will be held on the 20th and 21st of May, 2025. On both days, it will last roughly from 9:00 to 17:00 CEST, and on the first day, we warmly invite you to join us for a social dinner event. The agenda will depend on the current work of the community, so please volunteer to share any work you have done with MESSAGEix with the community. This includes all kinds of scenario analysis, national pathways, transition to net zero emissions, sector-specific analysis, methodological improvements, linkage to other models and tools, policy-maker engagement, teaching experiences, and much more. All contributions are welcome!
Please note that the agenda is preliminary as of now. It will be updated closer to the meeting date, so please revisit this page then.
By popular demand, we have again asked all presenters to please send us (a draft version of) their presentations prior to the meeting so that you can already study the presentation materials beforehand and can focus more on the talk during the talk. Please see the collection of presentation materials to find out if the talk you are interested in has already been uploaded. We will update this collection whenever we receive new material.
Please note that only people who filled out the registration survey are able to see the collection.
Detailed Agenda - Tuesday, May 20:
Opening remarks and welcome words
10:00-10:30: Opening remarks and welcome words
A warm welcome and introduction to this year's MESSAGEix community meeting delivered by Volker Krey, Fridolin Glatter, and Paul Natsuo Kishimoto (all IIASA).