The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2019-2023


Publications about Austria
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Publications co-authored with institutions in Austria
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Publications by IIASA researchers from Austria
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Projects stroke-width="0"/>

Projects related to Austria
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Projects sponsored by funders from Austria
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  • Women
  • Men
Staff members from Austria
  • Women
  • Men
Postdoctoral researchers from Austria
  • Women
  • Men
YSSPers from Austria
  • Women
  • Men
  • Unknown
Total number of alumni from Austria
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End to Begin

03 October 2024

“End to Begin”: A play about the future of the planet

Science meets art: On 14 October at 19:30 CET, the future generation (born in 2050 and 25 years old) will visit the Odeon Theatre in Vienna to understand what people will know, do, fear, hope and dream in 2025.  
Yidan Prize

26 September 2024

Wolfgang Lutz is the first Austrian to win the Yidan Prize

IIASA Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Wolfgang Lutz, who also holds roles at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) and the University of Vienna, has been awarded the world’s most highly esteemed education prize for his research on the role of education as a driver of sustainable development.
People holding microphones at a press conference, news conference or media event

24 September 2024

Austrian journalist Nadja Hahn joins IIASA

We are pleased to announce that well-known Austrian broadcast journalist, Nadja Hahn, will join IIASA as Media Relations and Communications Manager in the Communications and External Relations Department from 1 October 2024.



Summar school participants listening attentively in class

22 August 2024

First Summer School for Systems Modeling presented at IIASA

IIASA’s first-ever Summer School for Systems Modeling took place at the IIASA premises in Laxenburg, Austria from 15-26 July 2024. Kirsten Glenn, Capacity Development Coordinator in the IIASA Capacity Development and Training Unit reflects on the successful completion of this new IIASA initiative.

CircEUlar Project at the Vienna Climate Summit

25 July 2024

Exploring circularity through science and art: CircEUlar project at the Vienna Climate Summit

The first Vienna Climate Biennale took place from April to July. CircEUlar was one of the scientific partners of the Biennale, contributing insights on the potential of circular economy strategies to combat climate change. Project coordinators Marina Jovanovic and Volker Krey reflect on the 100-day festival and the unique collaboration between science and art.


carbon pricing

Distributional implications of carbon pricing: energy costs, revenue recycling, and co-benefits (DICaP)

Resilience and Malleability of Social Metabolism (REMASS)


Land Management for Sustainability (LAMASUS)


Macroeconomic Effects of Digitalization in Austria (W4.0)
