The IIASA Climate Champions initiative will begin with its first workshop on 2 October covering the topic of climate change, climate resilience, and climate justice. Almost 30 students from Vienna and Lower Austria will participate.

The students will learn from leading sustainability scientists and develop, in collaboration with teachers, parents, and fellow students, their own eco-friendly initiatives to implement at their schools.

We are looking forward to welcoming them to IIASA as our IIASA Climate Champions!

Workshop agenda

09:00 Arrival and registration
09:15 Let's get to know each other! Check in and ice-breaker activities
09:45 Who we are and what can you expect from participating in the Climate Champions program
10:15 Break
10:20 What are (y)our stakes and roles in the climate crisis?
11:45 Lunch at IIASA Schloss Restaurant
13:00 Take action! First brainstorming session on how to tackle major issues linked to climate change and how to support climate action at your school
14:15 Reporting back, discussion, and wrap-up
22.02 Bilingual Junior High visits IIASA