Thomas Schinko
Research Group Leader and Senior Research Scholar
Equity and Justice Research Group
Population and Just Societies Program
Thomas Schinko is Senior Research Scholar and Research Group Leader of the Equity and Justice (EQU) Research Group in the IIASA Population and Just Societies Program. He is a regular lecturer at the University of Graz and the Joint Vienna Institute.His main research interests at IIASA are in the areas of comprehensive climate risk management and just transitions. He focuses on the assessment of socioeconomic impacts of climate-related risks and their distributional effects, the identification of just and inclusive climate risk management strategies, the understanding of risks and risk perceptions connected with climate change mitigation and adaptation options, and the ethical and politico-economic aspects in the context of a just transition towards a sustainable future.
His areas of expertise include quantitative economic modeling as well as qualitative social science methods with a particular focus on mixed-methods approaches involving participatory processes. He studied economics and environmental system sciences at the University of Graz, Austria and Uppsala University, Sweden.
Last update: 23 FEB 2023