IIASA, in collaboration with its US partner "Friends of IIASA", is organizing the inaugural workshop for the proposed Raiffa Center for Science Diplomacy. This event will gather international experts to shape the Center's framework and identify key areas where it can make a lasting impact.

Named in honor of the first IIASA Director, the late Professor Howard Raiffa, the IIASA Raiffa Center aims to build on his legacy in decision sciences and negotiation analysis to help bridge the gap between decision-relevant systems research as reflected in the research conducted at IIASA, and international decision makers and negotiators facing complex global and regional challenges. The Center will build on the past 50 years of IIASA’s unique history of fostering international collaboration among scientists from diverse and sometimes conflicting backgrounds. The workshop’s objective is to refine the vision, mission, and structure of the IIASA Raiffa Center, ensuring that it effectively addresses critical challenges at the intersection of science and diplomacy in today’s complex global landscape.

The event is organized with support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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