The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2019-2023


Publications about Brazil
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Publications co-authored with institutions in Brazil
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Publications by IIASA researchers from Brazil
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Projects related to Brazil
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  • Women
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Staff members from Brazil
  • Women
  • Men
Postdoctoral researchers from Brazil
  • Women
  • Men
YSSPers from Brazil
  • Women
  • Men
  • Unknown
Total number of alumni from Brazil
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Route of the waterfalls with 14 waterfalls in corupa one of the last areas of the Atlantic forest in Brazil.

22 August 2024

Meeting ambitious restoration targets in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

IIASA researchers contributed to a new study showing that efforts to meet restoration targets for the globally important, biodiversity rich forests found along Brazil’s Atlantic coast will only be effective with a sustainable intensification of cattle farming.
Tropical forest

12 August 2024

RESIST updates

The RESIST project has made significant progress through active collaboration with IIASA's National Member Organizations (NMO). Key recent achievements include setting up collaborations with national researcher partners and consulting with local experts and stakeholders in respective case study regions (listed below).
Beijing skyline

29 November 2023

Embracing ecological perspectives, tools, and models to navigate the digital economy

Digitalization has ushered in new markets worldwide and in BRICS countries. However, the concentration of market power and digital resources by only a handful of digital platform ecosystems (DPEs) has also triggered new governance challenges, particularly, for BRICS countries. As part of the dissemination process of the ECOANTITRUST initiative, Elena Rovenskaya delivered a presentation on the adoption of ecological insights and tools to improve understanding of the complex nature of digital platforms, their ecosystems, and their interactions with the wider economy.


27 June 2024


The Resilience of Ecosystem Services provided by Intact and Sustainably managed Terrestrial ecosystems (RESIST) project aims to develop a modeling framework that integrates biophysical feedbacks and socioeconomic drivers affecting the environment.

27 June 2024

Exploring plant-based food alternatives to advance global sustainability

Shifting diets could yield major improvements for climate and biodiversity. IIASA researchers found that replacing half of all main meat and milk products with plant-based alternatives by 2050 can reduce agriculture and land userelated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% and halt the degradation of forests and natural land.


European Space Agency

Earth Observation for Bookkeeping Modeling (EO4BK)


Resilience of Ecosystem Services provided by Intact and Sustainably managed Terrestrial ecosystems (RESIST)

Tropical Forest and deforested area

RESTORE+: Addressing Landscape Restoration on Degraded Land in Indonesia and Brazil
