The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) is Egypt’s National Member Organization (NMO).


IIASA Connect

Are you a member of our Egyptian regional community? IIASA Connect is our exclusive platform bringing this network together. Join today!


Egypt on blue digital planet Earth with network

22 December 2021

Launch of the North Africa Applied Systems Analysis Centre

In collaboration with the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the Institute of National Planning, IIASA is proud to announce the launch of the North Africa Applied Systems Analysis Center (NAASAC).


Egypt highlighted in red on blue digital planet Earth with lines illustrating a global network.

04 December 2023

Empowering global decision makers through impactful engagement with the North Africa Applied Systems Analysis Centre Diploma Program

Several IIASA researchers provided valuable input and presented workshops at the North Africa Applied Systems Analysis Center's Diploma Program earlier this year. IIASA researcher Ali Kharrazi shares his insights from this impactful engagement.

09 November 2023

IIASA Connect: Building impactful regional communities

Options Magazine, Winter 2023: As IIASA Connect brings together the global systems analysis community, it also acts as a hub for regional communities to connect and engage.
IIASA Connect
