IIASA researcher Behnam Zakeri will speak at the International Conference of the Institute of National Planning of Egypt on energy and sustainable development. He will present a perspective that bridges national boundaries focusing on the implications of the Paris Agreement for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Egypt © Lukas Bischoff | Dreamstime

Egyptian stakeholders from the energy sector will come together on 21-22 November 2020 for the International Conference of the Institute of National Planning of Egypt (INP) to discuss emerging energy issues and to explore their consequences for achieving sustainable development. 

Speakers will include the Egyptian Ministers of Planning and Economic Development, Petroleum and Mineral Wealth and Electricity and Renewable Energy, as well as experts and researchers from the energy sector from across the country. The goal of this virtual conference is to determine the opportunities, possibilities, and challenges of expanding the production and use of new and renewable energy, to improve mechanisms of planning and policy making regarding energy development and sustainability in Egypt. The discussion will be guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, Paris COP21, and Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy for 2030.

As part of the session welcoming internationals, Behnam Zakeri will be representing IIASA expertise in energy sustainability. He will present an international perspective focused on the implication of the Paris Agreement for achieving the SDGs.

IIASA and Egypt

Since 2010, research collaborations between IIASA and Egypt have involved twelve Egyptian organizations and led to 24 scientific publications in areas ranging from demography to renewable energy. 

Joint studies focus on the complex global systems that affect Egypt, its economy, environment, and people. Research topics include analyzing the challenges and opportunities of developing large-scale renewable energy infrastructure in Egypt and the surrounding region, modeling food production and water flow in the Nile Basin, and projecting Egypt’s future population.

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