The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2019-2023


Publications about Germany
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Publications co-authored with institutions in Germany
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Publications by IIASA researchers from Germany
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Projects stroke-width="0"/>

Projects related to Germany
Projects sponsored by funders from Germany
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  • Women
  • Men
Staff members from Germany
  • Women
  • Men
Postdoctoral researchers from Germany
  • Women
  • Men
YSSPers from Germany
  • Women
  • Men
  • Unknown
Total number of alumni from Germany
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Picture of Johan Rockström

01 March 2024

Johan Rockström to receive the 2024 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

It is our pleasure to announce that long-time IIASA collaborator and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Johan Rockström, will receive the 2024 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement.
Technicians installing solar panels on a roof

26 June 2023

Are we building back better yet?

With the pandemic thankfully receding in the rear-view mirror while the climate crisis looms ever larger in front of us, it’s worth remembering the calls from 2020 to “build back better”. A recent study investigated how we are progressing on achieving this ambitious goal.

27 March 2023

Co-producing fair transformative pathways towards climate and biodiversity goals

Horizon Europe project RAINFOREST kick-off meeting



Modern city with eco-friendly architecture: green facades, rooftop gardens, integrated public transportation systems, and urban design prioritizing climate resilience

04 September 2024

The role of urban green spaces as nature-based solutions in Korea and Germany

Imagine a city where every neighborhood has lush green spaces that not only beautify the area but also improve the quality of life for its residents. How can we work together to make this vision a reality? Jaewon Son, a participant in the 2024 IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program shares insights into this important question.

27 June 2024

Strengthening the case for nature‑based solutions

IIASA researchers conducted several case studies and published two policy briefs informing policymakers about policy and financing barriers limiting the uptake of nature‑based solutions (NBS) compared to conventional grey infrastructure, as well as possible ways of overcoming them.
nature based solutions



Land Management for Sustainability (LAMASUS)

carbon pricing

Distributional implications of carbon pricing: energy costs, revenue recycling, and co-benefits (DICaP)

Resilience and Malleability of Social Metabolism (REMASS)

Satellite image of the Greenland ice sheet and its edges. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Climate Impacts of a hydrogen economy: The pathway to knowledge (HYway)
