ECE’s overarching vision is to provide evidence-based, scientific roadmaps for feasible systems transformations that simultaneously meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ambitious climate change mitigation targets.

Emphasis is placed specifically on local policy decisions and actions required in the short term to put the world on track to achieve long-term targets while assuring human health, wellbeing, and the reduction of social inequalities in a socially and economically sustainable manner. The program’s systems analytical tools enable it to act as an objective scientific broker in support of sustainable transformational processes. ECE combines the research portfolios of the former Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases, Energy, and Transitions to New Technologies programs.

The ECE program is organized in five Research Groups which encompass different thematic areas of research:

ECE Research Groups

 ID 14056366 © Mikhail Dudarev |

Integrated Assessment and Climate Change (IACC)

The IACC Group leads the development of tools for a new generation of “coupled” global transformation pathways that are able to represent bottom-up local constraints and opportunities at the national and sub-national scale, which is a major focus of the ECE Program.


Integrated Climate Impacts (ICI)

The ICI group focuses on advancing the understanding of physical climate impacts and risks in a scenario context, and their societal and economic consequences.

Photo 202479727 / Climate © Yana Bardichevska |

Pollution Management (PM)

The PM Group focusses on solving immediate and near-term environmental (health and ecosystems impacts from pollution), climate (non-CO2 greenhouse gases), and social (widening inequality gaps) problems in a cost-effective way, providing support to policymaking at local and regional scales.

© Jon Anders Wiken |

Sustainable Service Systems (S3)

The S3 Group focuses on demand-side systems as entry points for sustainable transformations. The group analyses demand for energy and materials through the lens of service provision of mobility, shelter, and consumer goods, as well as how lifestyle changes can contribute to consumption reduction.

Photo 22027252 © Deniscristo |

Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions (TISS)

The TISS Group explores innovative solutions to environmental issues that integrate social, institutional, and governance drivers with technological and economic considerations, with an emphasis on improving conditions for the most deprived and marginalized in society.


Nutrient cycling

Non-CO2 greenhouse gas sources

ECE Nexus

Just and Feasible Transitions

Scenario Services and Scientific Software

Access to Energy Services

Heterogeneities and Inequalities


Modeling for National Transformations


Extreme Weather and Climate Dynamics

Sustainable buildings

Models, tools, datasets

gas pipeline

Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impact (MESSAGEix)

India Forest

The NExus Solutions Tool (NEST)


AR6 Scenario Explorer and Database

Air Pollution in India

Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS)



Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions (RESCUE)

urban greenery

Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS)


Giacomo Falchetta profile picture

Giacomo Falchetta

Research Scholar (IACC)

Edward Byers profile picture

Edward Byers

Senior Research Scholar (IACC, S3, ICI)

Maximilian Wolschlager profile picture

Maximilian Wolschlager

Research Software Programmer (IACC)

Caroline Zimm profile picture

Caroline Zimm

Research Scholar (TISS, EQU)



14 January 2025

Communicating climate science through a game

IIASA researcher Jan Steinhauser is currently working on a computer game that could help popularize climate science among younger audiences in a fun and engaging way. The game is called “Climate Survivors”, and instead of taking on demons and vampires, players help fight the climate crisis.
Automated assembly line with robotic arms in modern factory producing electric vehicle components.

20 December 2024

Increase in electric vehicles could create unwanted pollution hotspots

While electric vehicles have become a cornerstone of the global energy transition, a study by researchers from Princeton University and IIASA has demonstrated that refining the critical minerals needed for electric vehicle batteries could create pollution hotspots near manufacturing hubs.
seasons greet

18 December 2024

Celebrating a year of impact: IIASA highlights in 2024

IIASA proudly looks back on another successful year. Our year-end video showcases some of the milestones that have shaped IIASA's growth and impact in the global scientific community.


Young adults using smartphones in a circle

11 December 2024

Advancing climate insights with social media data

IIASA recently hosted an interdisciplinary research workshop under the LowAI project to explore how social media and digital platforms can advance climate and sustainability research. The participants tackled the challenges of leveraging digital data to shape effective climate actions and foster social change. IIASA researcher Sandeep Chowdhary shares his insights and experiences from the event.

In Solidarity for a Green World. Climate change conference slogan concept background.

07 November 2024

COP29 in Baku is a Climate Finance COP: It’s about justice

At the COP in Baku, Azerbaijan, nation states must decide on a new climate finance regime, that will take effect from 2025. Studies show that by 2030, a sixfold increase in international financing is needed globally, for the needed mitigation investments alone. As tensions rise over who should pay, it will be difficult to achieve new and fair targets. Success is crucial to keep the Paris Agreement within reach.
