The research theme Just & Feasible Transitions critically reflects on mitigation scenarios and policies in terms of diverse implicit and explicit justice and feasibility aspects.
Under this theme, researchers apply both quantitative and qualitative measures to evaluate transition pathways across several dynamic socio-political and technical attributes. Researchers investigate the tipping of systems and how this threatens or facilitates achieving transitions to a safe and just future for all.
Institutional and governance factors
Institutional and governance factors play a critical role in achieving equitable energy access and transitions to sustainable energy futures. Researchers at IIASA explore policy and regulation to incentivize energy efficiency, the feasible deployment of low-carbon technologies to satisfy energy service needs and ambitious levels of coal phase-out.
This work aims at providing policy recommendations and institutional frameworks that promote equitable energy access and sustainable growth, while also considering the diverse needs and interests of different stakeholders.
Modelling efforts under this theme pay specific attention to institutional and governance factors that modify both access to energy and its use, as well as how they might constrain the speed of mitigation in certain regions.
Just Transitions
What encompasses a just (energy) transition for all? The dominant discourse in OECD countries focuses on labor market impacts n coal-intensive regions. Yet, climate and energy justice are much broader, including impacts, mitigation, and adaptation as well as diverse human needs.
Researchers at IIASA broaden the concept of just transitions to account for development needs of low- and medium income countries, linking to decent living standards and multidimensional poverty as well as diverse planetary limits. Empirical data is used to inform scenarios that account for broader human needs and link them with energy requirements. This data also helps understand what safe and just development pathways can look like.
Guidance tools are developed to support researchers and modelers in critically reflecting on their methods and research questions from diverse justice angles. This informs and shapes the next generation of socio-economic scenarios used in climate policymaking.
Research Projects
JustTrans4ALL: The IIASA Just transitions to net-zero carbon emissions for all (JustTrans4All) project, which forms part of a suite of projects under the IIASA Strategic Initiatives Program, will contribute to novel analyses of transition pathways that are socially and environmentally just. The project will inform policy design, aiming to achieve high levels of human wellbeing within planetary boundaries in line with the UN 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.