Research in the Economic Frontiers Program examines inequality and equal life chances from multiple perspectives. In collaboration with other IIASA programs (POPJUS) Omkar Patange analyses potential future transition processes with respect to their fairness across populations. In other work Miguel Sanchez-Romero investigates current public health and pension systems to investigate sources of inequality together with colleagues from the Vienna Institute of Demography.

Just Transitions to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions for All (JustTrans4ALL)
The Economic Frontiers Program participates in the Strategic Initiative Project JustTrans4All. The project investigates the transition process to net-zero carbon emissions using pathways that are socially and environmentally just. Outcomes will inform policy design, aiming to achieve high levels of human wellbeing within planetary boundaries in line with the UN 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

Drivers of intra- and intergenerational inequality
Miguel Sanchez-Romero has investigated questions on intra- and intergenerational wealth (amongst others in collaboration with colleagues from the Vienna Institute of Demography) as part of the Economic Frontiers Program. Thereby his work concerns topics ranging from fair pensions systems to the heterogeneous impacts of Covid-19.