The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2019-2023


Publications about Ukraine
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Publications co-authored with institutions in Ukraine
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Publications by IIASA researchers from Ukraine
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Projects related to Ukraine
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  • Women
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Staff members from Ukraine
  • Women
  • Men
Postdoctoral researchers from Ukraine
  • Women
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  • Unknown
Total number of alumni from Ukraine
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War in Ukraine. Little girl on mom`s shoulder. Refugees from the evacuation train from Mariupol, Berdyansk, Kryvyi Rih

10 July 2024

Latest European Demographic Data Sheet highlights lasting impact of war and migration

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the consequent displacement of millions of people will have a significant impact on the country’s long-term population structure. Researchers from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, IIASA, and the University of Vienna are forecasting a substantial population decline of 21-31% by 2052.
Ukraine Forests Forum Report

29 March 2024

The future of Ukrainian forests: setting priorities for action

A new report, outlining the key priorities and recommended actions for the Ukrainian forest sector, was launched earlier this week. The report summarizes the key recommendations and takeaways from the Forum on Ukraine Forest Science and Education: Needs and Priorities for Collaboration, organized by IIASA and partners in November 2023.
Ukraine flag - rapeseed

05 March 2024

Ukraine and IIASA: celebrating 30 years of cooperation

This year, the institute celebrates 30 years of Ukraine’s IIASA membership – a period marked by many impactful research partnerships in forestry, agriculture, water resource management, and energy, among others. Amid the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict in the country, IIASA is proud to highlight some of its achievements and joint projects with Ukrainian scientists.


09 April 2024

Forest science and education in Ukraine: Priorities for action

Ukraine’s forest sector is suffering unprecedented challenges. War has impacted both forests and forestry – devastating forest areas, infrastructure and industry, as well as causing ‘brain drain’ and capacity loss due to the disruption of research institutions and the displacement of students and scientists. These impacts are compounded by factors including climate change, unstable forest health dynamics, landscape fires, and an overall decrease in forest productivity.
Pine trees

02 October 2023

Feasible futures

Policy Brief #41, October 2023. Embracing the notion of feasibility, this research shows that the world will probably overshoot 1.5°C, largely owing to low institutional capacity. Energy demand reduction and electrification are two options to turn down the heat, and addressing weak institutions is crucial.


Aerial summer landscape above the Danube Gorge, at Dubova, Romania, at the border between Romania and Serbia

Development of a harmonized water balance modelling system for the Danube River Basin (Danube Water Balance)

Unrecognizable male business manager raising artificial intelligence above a work team. Technology concept for AI, machine and deep learning, robolution, digital transformation of the workforce.

Link4Skills (Link4Skills)

Dnieper Hydroelectric Station in Zaporizhia Oblast from “Hydroelectricity in Ukraine”

Integrated modeling for robust management of food-energy-water-land use nexus security and sustainable development
