The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2019-2023
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Classification |
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX | 2023 | 2027 | CLIMAAX | Global |
Socioeconomic Pathways, Adaptation and Resilience to Changing CLimate in Europe | 2023 | 2027 | SPARCCLE | Global |
Integrated Design of the Components of the Energy System to Plan the Uptake of Renewable Energy Sources | 2023 | 2027 | iDesignRES | Global |
Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions | 2023 | 2026 | Tools4CAP | Global |
Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions | 2022 | 2026 | RESCUE | Global |
Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory | 2023 | 2026 | AI4SoilHealth | Global |
Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios | 2023 | 2026 | SPES | Global |
WorldTrans - Transparent Assessments for Real People | 2022 | 2026 | WorldTrans | Global |
Advanced ensemble projections for indirect impacts of nuclear winter in global food systems | 2023 | 2026 | ANFOS | Global |
Open Modelling Toolbox for development of long-term pathways for the energy system in Africa | 2023 | 2026 | OpenMod4Africa | Global |
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Women
- Men
- Unknown
04 December 2022
Celebrating 50 years of global collaboration
29 November 2022
Bridging the gap between science and policy
Gietel-Basten, S., Marois, G. , Torabi, F., & Kabiri, K. (2024). Reframing policy responses to population aging in Iran. Genus 80 (1) e8. 10.1186/s41118-023-00210-z. Sedighi, E., Salmanmahiny, A., Fath, B. , & Daliri, H. (2024). A spatial scenario planning framework for land use decision-making: case study of Gorgan township, Iran. Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-024-04639-w. Yazdanpanah, M., Homayoon, S.B., Zobeidi, T., Woosnam, K.M., Löhr, K., & Sieber, S. (2024). Bridging farmers’ non-cognitive and self-conscious emotional factors to cognitive determinants of climate change adaptation in southwest Iran. Climate and Development 1-15. 10.1080/17565529.2024.2332380. Yazdanpanah, M., Zobeidi, T., Warner, L.A., Löhr, K., Lamm, A., & Sieber, S. (2023). Shaping farmers’ beliefs, risk perception and adaptation response through Construct Level Theory in the southwest Iran. Scientific Reports 13 (1) e5811. 10.1038/s41598-023-32564-x. Yazdanpanah, M., Zobeidi, T., Sieber, S., Löhr, K., & Homayoon, S.B. (2022). Replacing rice with lower water consumption crops: green policy implications for Iran. Climate Research 88 101-114. 10.3354/cr01700. Yazdanpanah, M., Klein, K., Zobeidi, T., Sieber, S., & Löhr, K. (2022). Why Have Economic Incentives Failed to Convince Farmers to Adopt Drip Irrigation in Southwestern Iran? Sustainability 14 (4) e2055. 10.3390/su14042055.