The Equity and Justice Research Group at IIASA advances the justice debate in global change research and sustainability science using mixed, systems-based, and participatory methods. 

EQU research aims to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by developing and applying conceptual and analytical frameworks for integrating equity and justice into systems analysis.  Scientists in EQU bring a valued perspective to major global and local policy issues, including the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, by identifying and co-designing governance reforms and policy options that take account of diverse perceptions of procedural, distributive and compensatory justice. 

EQU researchers pioneer innovative mixed methods, with a special focus on the complementarity of qualitative systems approaches to quantitative systems analysis, to mobilise the manifold ideas of justice and governance approaches for complex societal challenges. To bridge the gap between conceptualization and implementation, EQU researchers develop and employ participatory processes that provide a safe space to co-produce options for transformative change. Stakeholder-inclusive research means putting people's lived experience at the center to solve “real policy problems” that our societies face. We aim for systematic and transparent research and to make our processes and output accessible to all.   

In our team, we appreciate and harness diversity in views and work styles and we foster an enabling and collaborative work environment. We remain self-reflexive and open-minded. The research group works closely with other IIASA research programs and external partners to position our research activities in a systems analysis framework that reconciles both hard and soft systems methodologies and is grounded in ethics.


Models, tools, datasets


Applied Justice Taxonomy and Assessment Framework (AJUST)

qualitative system mapping

Integrative qualitative system mapping (IQSM)


fairSTREAM toolkit of participatory approaches

design thinking symbolic picture

Design Thinking (DT)



Systems approach to EU wildfire risk management project (FIRELOGUE)


Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity (RAINFOREST)

tree plant

Insurance for nature - nature for insurance (NATURANCE)

Upper Bhima basin



Elliott Woodhouse profile picture

Elliott Woodhouse

Research Scholar (EQU)

Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer profile picture

Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar (EQU)

Wei Liu profile picture

Wei Liu

Guest Research Scholar (EQU)

Armon Rezai profile picture

Armon Rezai

Research Scholar (EQU)



05 March 2025

Co-creating a stakeholder-oriented climate risk service in Austria

IIASA, as a project partner, developed and applied a co-creation methodology to identify the key issues and requirements of a drought climate risk service for Austria, together with stakeholders from relevant disciplines. IIASA also led the development of a handbook on the co-creation methodology, documenting the lessons learned and recommendations for future projects beyond the scope of the project.  
solar panels in urban area

13 February 2025

Building a Just and Inclusive Future for Large-Scale Solar: Reflections from the CAREsolar Workshop in Zurich

Susanne Hanger-Kopp was invited to this workshop as a representative of the Equity and Justice Research Group at IIASA, bringing expertise on justice in climate change and acceptance research to the discussions. The workshop provided a unique platform to exchange insights on how justice considerations shape public responses to renewable energy projects and how these principles can be embedded in planning and decision-making processes.

31 January 2025

Children in 2050: A contribution to the UNICEF's State of the World’s Children Report

IIASA has collaborated with UNICEF to provide advanced data analysis and projections on demographic trends for the 2024 State of the World's Children Report.


Hands working together on a jigsaw puzzle

16 January 2025

Strengthening transdisciplinary research and knowledge co-production at IIASA

Transdisciplinary research and knowledge co-production are transforming the way IIASA addresses complex societal challenges. Susanne Hanger-Kopp reports on behalf of the participants of an IIASA-wide workshop that highlighted the potential of and hurdles to these approaches.

Modern city with eco-friendly architecture: green facades, rooftop gardens, integrated public transportation systems, and urban design prioritizing climate resilience

04 September 2024

The role of urban green spaces as nature-based solutions in Korea and Germany

Imagine a city where every neighborhood has lush green spaces that not only beautify the area but also improve the quality of life for its residents. How can we work together to make this vision a reality? Jaewon Son, a participant in the 2024 IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program shares insights into this important question.
