The NATURANCE consortium invites you to participate in the upcoming virtual Innovation Webstival, which will focus on nature-based insurance and investment instruments for ecosystem restoration in the context of climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. This fully online event will feature a variety of engaging formats, including keynote presentations, technical panels, workshops, breakout discussions, and policy dialogues.
The Webstival will explore innovative financial mechanisms, such as insurance solutions, biodiversity credits, and ecosystem restoration investments, that harness nature's value to mitigate climate risks. Participants from financial institutions, risk management experts, nature-based solution practitioners, and government representatives will review best practices, discuss principles of sustainable investment and insurance finance, and raise awareness of the crucial role financial systems play in promoting nature-based solutions for resilience and disaster risk reduction.
Additionally, the Webstival will offer opportunities for skill-building and create a marketplace to match demands and offers for innovative financial solutions at local and regional levels across Europe. Don’t miss the chance to engage with global thought leaders and help shape the future of green finance!
Here is the agenda for the event:
Call for Contributions
Be part of creating an inspiring experience for all participants. You can contribute by recording a talk on topics related to the Webstival, writing a blog, participating in knowledge marketplaces, moderating a World Café table, and much more.