The IIASA Just transitions to net-zero carbon emissions for all (JustTrans4All) project, which forms part of a suite of projects under the IIASA Strategic Initiatives Program, will contribute to novel analyses of transition pathways that are socially and environmentally just. The project will inform policy design, aiming to achieve high levels of human wellbeing within planetary boundaries in line with the UN 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

The project brings together researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds (i.e., political science, philosophy, sociology, demography, economics, environmental studies, energy systems and modelling) and scientific approaches from the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program, the Economic Frontiers Program, and the Population and Just Societies Program.  The team members are from various NMO countries and career levels, who have proven innovative thinking in their respective fields relevant to the project.

JustTrans4ALL Project Set-up © JustTrans4ALL

JustTrans4ALL Project Set-up

We aim to develop, quantify and test the first comprehensive set of just transition scenarios towards a net-zero carbon society. We will combine a soft-systems analysis approach grounded in ethical reasoning with quantitative, empirical, and prospective model-based techniques, contributing to advancing systems analysis. We will pursue the following research plan:

  1. identify the fairness elements that are relevant for just transitions and combine them in a holistic framework, considering distributional, procedural, and restorative justice aspects, across population groups, countries, and generations.
  2. expand concepts on overcoming multidimensional poverty and inequality that provide decent living standards, and on measuring human wellbeing (i.e., Years of Good Life).
  3. apply this new framework to empirically investigate how different forms of governance and human capital influence just transitions to net zero carbon emissions and what their human wellbeing implications are.
  4. develop a [set of] prospective just transition scenario[s] to assess how alternative pathways can ensure a fair distribution of wellbeing over time and space.
  5. test the framework and scenarios with IIASA models on selected cases.

JustTrans4All will enhance IIASA’s policy impact by providing guidance on designing policies for socio-ecological transformation that enjoy societal support and leave no one behind. NMOs are invited to collaborate in developing and applying the new framework and scenarios to their country’s context and engage in capacity enhancement for early-career researchers.

IIASA National and Regional Member Organizations are invited to collaborate with the JustTrans4All team as they address these research questions and develop and apply the framework that is set to emerge from the project to their country’s context.

Elina Brutschin profile picture

Elina Brutschin

Senior Research Scholar (TISS)

Roman Hoffmann profile picture

Roman Hoffmann

Research Group Leader and Senior Research Scholar (MIG)

Jarmo Kikstra profile picture

Jarmo Kikstra

Research Scholar (IACC, S3, TISS)

Michael Kuhn profile picture

Michael Kuhn

Program Director and Principal Research Scholar (EF)

Jihoon Min profile picture

Jihoon Min

Research Scholar (S3, TISS)

Kian Mintz-Woo profile picture

Kian Mintz-Woo

Guest Research Scholar (EQU)

Raya Muttarak profile picture

Raya Muttarak

Principal Research Scholar (MIG)

Shonali Pachauri profile picture

Shonali Pachauri

Research Group Leader and Principal Research Scholar (TISS); Principal Research Scholar (S3, IACC)

Omkar Patange profile picture

Omkar Patange

Research Scholar (EF)

Keywan Riahi profile picture

Keywan Riahi

Program Director and Principal Research Scholar (ECE); Principal Research Scholar (IACC, PM, S3, TISS); Principal Research Scholar (ICI)

Thomas Schinko profile picture

Thomas Schinko

Research Group Leader and Senior Research Scholar (EQU)

Caroline Zimm profile picture

Caroline Zimm

Senior Research Scholar (TISS, EQU)


Ethics concept. Two human figures standing on top of an Earth globe

23 July 2024

Introducing the IIASA Justice Framework

Under the leadership of the Equity and Justice Research Group of the IIASA Population and Just Societies Program, researchers from across the Institute have spent the past three years working towards the first iteration of the IIASA Justice Framework – a descriptive guideline for science and policy. The framework is now available on the IIASA website and as an IIASA working paper.
workshop picture

27 November 2023

EQU Justice Framework Workshop at IIASA

The Equity and Justice Research Group, in collaboration with the IIASA Strategic Initiative projects fairSTREAM, JustTRans4ALL and TRUST, hosted a Justice Framework Workshop on 16 November at IIASA. 
Just transitions

29 April 2022

JustTrans4All updates

The project, Just Transitions to Net-zero Carbon Emissions for All (JustTrans4All), was selected in 2021 as one of the first two IIASA Strategic Initiatives. The project kicked off in September 2021 and aims to contribute to novel analyses of transition pathways that reflect justice concerns.  


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IIASA at the 23rd Austrian Climate Day