IIASA researchers participate in the 23rd Austrian Climate Day (Klimatag) devoted to the topic of "Resources in Transition" and organized by Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) and the University of Leoben (MUL).

The Austrian Climate Day is a scientific conference aimed at providing an overview of ongoing Austrian research activities in the fields of climate change and transformation. It functions as an interdisciplinary networking event of the climate and climate impact research community and offers opportunities and formats for dialogue with stakeholders from politics, administration and research funding. The 23rd Climate Day is devoted to the topic "Resources in Transition" and will take place in Leoben, Austria, from 11 to 13 April 2023. 

IIASA researchers Thomas Schinko, Alberto Fresolone, Caroline Zimm and Eva Preinfalk from the Equity and Justice (EQU) Research Group will present latest results of their research projects Firelogue, ABM to policy and JustTrans4All.

IIASA contributions at the 23rd Austrian Climate Day:

Thomas Schinko: "A just transition towards integrated wildfire risk management"

Caroline Zimm: "An Operational Justice Framework to Inform Climate Debates"

Eva Preinfalk: "Drivers of future wildfire risk across Europe under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways"

Alberto Fresolone: "A model-based policy exercise to examine climate migration policy in Europe"

For more information about this event please visit the event website.

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