IIASA researchers participate in the 24th Austrian Climate Day (Klimatag) devoted to the topic of "City and Country in Flux" and organized by Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) and the Vienna University of Technology (TU).
The Austrian Climate Day is a scientific conference aimed at providing an overview of ongoing Austrian research activities in the fields of climate change and transformation. It functions as an interdisciplinary networking event of the climate and climate impact research community and offers opportunities and formats for dialogue with stakeholders from politics, administration and research funding. The 24th Climate Day is devoted to the topic "City and Country in Flux" and will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 2 to 4 April 2024.
IIASA researchers Thomas Schinko, Julia Beier, Eva Preinfalk, Susanne Hanger-Kopp, Alberto Fresolone, Thomas Thaler and Carolin Zimm from the Equity and Justice (EQU) Research Group will present latest results of their research projects DISCC-AT, CRiSDA and JustTrans4All.
IIASA contributions at the 24th Austrian Climate Day:
Wednesday 3 April 2024, 16:30 - 18:00
Thomas Schinko: Pictures speak louder than words: Patterns of climate justice
Thursday 4 April 2024, 9:30 - 11:00
Julia Beier: Building quantitative and qualitative archetypes of households to assess vulnerability to flood and heat-related risks in Austria
VP20 Alberto Fresolone: Co-designing a climate risk service for drought risk management in Austria
For more information about this event please visit the event website.
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