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Russian forests are crucial to global climate mitigation
Russian Forests and Forestry Database
Ruslana Palatnik
Rupesh Singh
Rubber trees and deforestation: quantifying the impact of rubber production on tropical forests and biodiversity
Roundtable meeting on Demography of Sustainable Wellbeing
Round Table on Understanding Climate-related Mobility in Contexts of Urbanization
Rotem Zelingher
Rosa Vicari
Ron Milo from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel visits IIASA
Roman Hoffmann
Romain Clercq-Roques
Role-play simulations
Roja Ganji
Robust food, energy, water, and land management
Robin Bartmann
Robert Sander
Robert Sakic Trogrlic
Roads, landslides, and rethinking development
Road impacts on ecosystems in sub-Saharan Africa
RITE-IIASA side-event on EDITS at COP26
RITE-IIASA side event on EDITS at UNFCCC COP27
RISK Senior Science Advisor John Handmer speaks on wildfires at OECD Conference
Risk Management in Energy Post-COVID-19
Rising waters and sinking communities: exploring the scope for transformation and resilience in riverine Bangladesh
Rise of malicious bots: how automatons shake up Twitter with earthquake conspiracies
Richard Cornford
Reza Yeganegi
Revealing the power of citizen science for SDG advancement
Returning land to nature with high-yield farming
Rethinking Population Policies—Why Education Makes a Decisive Difference
Rethinking mortality and how we plan for old age
Rethinking AI: from geopolitical chessboard to shared commons
Restructuring the food system after COVID-19
RESTORE+: Addressing Landscape Restoration on Degraded Land in Indonesia and Brazil
Responsibility and Risk: Operationalizing comprehensive climate risk layering in Austria among multiple actors (RESPECT)
Resource: IIASA self-assessment report
Resource nexus for transformation to circular, resilient, and liveable cities in the context of climate change (RECREATE)
Resource efficiency of future EU demand for bioenergy
RESIST updates
Resilience thinking: Preparing for and recovering from COVID-19 in the context of compound risks
Resilience of Ecosystem Services provided by Intact and Sustainably managed Terrestrial ecosystems (RESIST)
Reshaping the local frontiers of farming and biodiversity
Researchers from Norwegian Geotechnical Institute visit IIASA
Research reveals location and intensity of global threats to biodiversity
Research Projects
Research Programs and Groups
Research Plan 2021-24
Research partners
Research leadership appointments
Research Group Leadership
Representing IIASA at the 2019 Centennial AGU Fall Meeting
Representative Concentration Pathways Database (RCP)
Report Release Webinar of the Academia Europaea with Nebojsa Nakicenovic
REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade (RECEIPT)
Reinhard Mechler joins Advisory Committee on Climate Resilience of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
Reinhard Mechler
Regulations and Guidelines for Associates
Registration & Abstract Submission
Reflection: Looking back on 50 years of risk research at IIASA
Reetik Kumar Sahu
Reducing the risk to children’s health in flood-prone areas of India
Reducing production and consumption growth in high-income countries: is it good for tackling climate change?
Reducing Inequality Within and Across Generations (RIWAG)
Reducing footprints and enhancing resilience: A strategic direction for the next decade
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: A Systematic Approach
Reducing COVID-19 vulnerability in Latin America and the Caribbean
Reducing black carbon deposition in the Arctic region
Reducing air pollution worldwide
Redirect and unleash clean energy investment to achieve Paris climate targets
Redefining pandemic impact: conventional estimates overstate COVID-19 life expectancy losses tenfold
Redefining Old Age
Recovery of the Austrian economy following the COVID-19 crisis can take up to three year
Reconciling information from alternative sources
Recent Sabbaticals - Testimonials
Reassessing Aging from a Population Perspective (Re-Ageing)
RE4AFAGRI, IIASA and World Resources Institute (WRI) joint Workshops
Raya Muttarak
Rational land-use planning
Rastislav Skalsky
Raquel Guimaraes
Rapid urbanization in Africa transforms local food systems and threatens biodiversity
Raising climate ambitions could save millions of lives
Rainforest gets digital twin
Radhika Kanade
R Library for Estimating Fisheries-Induced Selection Pressures