IIASA Deputy Director General for Science Leena Srivastava and IIASA Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group Leader Nadejda Komendantova will speak at the 4th International Conference “Risk Management in Energy-2021” focusing on the risks and opportunities in the global energy sector as a driver of the economy post COVID-19.

Following the success of last year's conference, the 4th International Conference “Risk Management in the Energy Sector - 2021” will be presented on 18 May 2021 with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), and the Institute for Energy and Finance (IEF), Russia, and in collaboration with the Institute of Risk Management (IRM), UK.
The Conference focuses on the role of the energy sector as a driver of the economy on the way to effectively prevailing over the COVID-19 pandemic's consequences, risks, and prospects for developing hydrocarbon and renewable energy sources in light of increased volatility in world oil prices, the potential for decarbonizing the oil and gas industry, and corporate risk management strategies to overcome the current crisis and increase the future resilience of the energy sector.
Srivastava will speak in the first plenary session on Global Energy after COVID-19, with the presentation title: “Energy Options in the Emerging World”. At this session she will be joined by Joseph McMonigie, Secretary General of the International Energy Forum; Anatoly Yanovsky, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; Yury Sentyurin, Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum; and James Watson, EUROGAS Secretary General, among others.
Komendantova will speak in the plenary session on Corporate Risk Management Strategies for Overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis and Preparing for the Next One, with the topic: “Resilience of critical energy infrastructure and multi-risk approach: addressing existing and emerging risks”. Among the speakers at this session are representatives of the GAZPROM Corporation Institute in Moscow; the Institute of Risk Management, UK; Corporate Energy University, Russia; and Partnership ‘Mining industrialists of Russia’.