IIASA researchers will participate in the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2022  conference presenting research on climate change, risk and resilience, energy, citizen science, and more.

The EGU General Assembly 2022 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career scientists, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

In 2022, the EGU aims to provide an on-site experience for those attending in-person, while at the same time introducing new concepts to include virtual attendees as much as possible. EGU 2022 will be a conference with a virtual component where everybody is welcome, in-person or online!

To arrange interviews with IIASA researchers please contact the IIASA Press Office

Please visit the EGU Program page for the full program.

Registration for EGU22 is now open and is available for on-site or virtual participation.

The deadline for registration is:  14 April 2022, 13:00 CEST

IIASA participation at EGU 2022

Monday 23 May

08:30–11:05 (CEST) | Room 0.96/97

Session: ERE1.8 Geospatial analysis for sustainable development' combined with 'Carbon emissions/removals estimates under Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector

Convener: Giacomo Falchetta IIASA Energy Climate and Environment Program (ECE),  Co-convener Olha Danylo, IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program (ASA)

08:30–11:50 (CEST) | Room 1.31/32

Session: Natural hazards: urban growth and health impacts


Presentation: Dynamic risk scenarios for single and multi-hazards in the Global South: Nairobi, Istanbul and Kathmandu  

Robert Sakic Trogrlic, ASA

08:30–11:37 (CEST) | Room 2.95

Session: BG3.9 Modeling agricultural systems under global change

Co-convener and Chairperson: Christian Folberth, IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program (BNR)


Presentation: Extrapolation of the LTE data for regional prediction of crop production and agro-environmental impacts in the Czech Republic with the EPIC-based modelling system 

Rastislav Skalský, BNR and Juraj Balkovič, BNR


Presentation: Regional and model-specific response types in a global gridded crop model ensemble 

Juraj Balkovic, Christian Folberth, Nikolay Khabarov, ASA.


Presentation: Effects of crop growing season length adaptation on economic climate change impacts in the agricultural sector 

David Leclere, BNR, and Esther Boere, BNR

8:30-11:50 (CEST) Room 3.29/30

Session: HS5.1 Water resources policy and management - managing trade-offs at the nexus between water, food, energy and the environment

Co-convener: Taher Kahil (BNR)


Presentation: Vulnerable basins for global prioritisation: Hotspots for social and ecological impacts from freshwater stress and freshwater storage loss 

Yoshihide Wada, BNR


Presentation: The role of multi-sector climate impacts in achieving water, energy, and land SDGs

Adriano Vinca,, ECE,  Muhammad Awais, ECE,  Edward Byers, ECE, Oliver Fricko, ECE Stefan Frank, ECE, Yusuke Satoh, BNR, Volker Krey, ECE, and Keywan Riahi, ECE.

13:20-14:26 (CEST) | Room 3.29/30

Session: HS5.5 Multi-scale water-energy-land nexus planning to manage socio-economic, climatic, and technological change

Co-convener: Edward A. Byers, ECE


Presentation: Integrating climate impacts across energy, water, land systems within a global framework  

Muhammad Awais, ECE, Adriano Vinca, ECE, Edward Byers, Oliver Fricko, ECE, Stefan Frank, BNR, Yusuke Satoh, BNR, Volker Krey, ECE and Keywan Riahi, ECE.

17:00–18:30 (CEST) | Room 0.14

Session: Towards a net-zero world: remaining carbon budgets, mitigation pathways, zero emissions commitment, and implications for policy

Convener: Joeri Rogel, ECE


Presentation:Mitigation scenarios for methane and nitrous oxide emissions from Indian agriculture sector

Pallav Purohit, ECE,  Zbigniew Klimont, ECE

13:20–18:30 (CEST) | Room 1.31/32

Session: Innovative approaches for multi-hazard risk assessments and their applications to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation


Presentation: Mapping single hazards and multi-hazard interrelationships in Global South urban areas: A case study in Kathmandu, Nepal

Robert Sakic Trogrlic, ASA

16:24–16:31 (CEST)

Presentation: Physics based simulations of multiple hazards for risk sensitive land use planning  

Robert Sakic Trogrlic


Presentation: Unleashing the power of the interdisciplinary in disaster risk reduction: reflections from an early career researcher group developing a risk-informed decision support environment for Tomorrow’s Cities  

Robert Sakic Trogrlic


Presentation: Stakeholder Perceptions of Multi-hazards and Implications for Urban Disaster Risk Reduction in Istanbul  

Robert Sakic Trogrlic

18:07–18:14 (CEST)

Presentation: A Systems Dependency Framework for Individual, Multi- and Systemic Risks  

Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, ASA and Robert Sakic Trogrlic

Wednesday 25 May

10:56–11:01 (CEST) | Room 1.31/32 Highlight

Virtual presentation: An international perspective on comprehensive climate risk management: experiences from Peru, India and Austria 

Veronica Karabaczek, IIASA Population and Just Societies Program (POPJUS), Reinhard Mechler, ASA, and Thomas Schinko, POPJUS.

13:20–13:27 (CEST) | Room 0.31/32

Presentation: Revealing hidden tipping in spatially-resolved Earth system analysis

Caroline Zimm, ECE and POPJUS.

13:44–13:50 (CEST) | Room 2.95

Presentation: Plants maximize the conductive efficiency of the xylem 

Oskar Franklin, BNR, Florian Hofhansl, BNR, and Jaideep Joshi, ASA.

14:38–14:44 (CEST) | Room 2.95

Presentation: Plant-FATE – Predicting the adaptive responses of biodiverse plant communities using functional-trait evolution 

Jaideep Joshi, Åke Brännström, ASA, Florian Hofhansl, and Ulf Dieckmann, ASA.

18:24–18:29 (CEST) | Room 1.31/32

Presentation: Remote sensing detection of climate-smart practices: Enhancing farm resilience in Austria 

Juan Carlos Laso Bayas, ASA, Martin Hofer, ASA, Ian McCallum, ASA,  Olha Danylo, ASA, Victor Maus, ASA, Linda See, ASA, and Steffen Fritz, IIASA Strategic Initiatives Program, and ASA.

Thursday 26 May

8:30–11:37 (CEST) | Room 2.95

Session: BG3.1 Plant traits, adaptation, and biogeochemical cycles – from measurements to models

Co-convener: Oskar Franklin, BNR

14:33–14:38 (CEST) | Room N1

Presentation: Resilience service technologies for identifying climate change adaptation gaps 

Finn Laurien, Ian Mccallum, ASA, and Reinhard Mechler

Friday 27 May

08:30–11:05 (CEST) | Room N1

Session: ITS3.1/SSS1.2 Participatory Citizen Science and Open Science as a new era of environmental observation for society

Co-convener and Chairperson: Dilek Fraisl, ASA


Presentation: Extending Rapid Image Classification with the Picture Pile Platform for Citizen Science 

Tobias Sturn ASA, Linda See ASA, Steffen Fritz, IIASA Strategic Initiatives Program, Santosh Karanam, and Ian McCallum ASA.

08:30–11:05 (CEST) | Room 1.61/62

Session: NH9.3 Resilience to natural hazards: assessments, frameworks and tools

Co-conveners: Adriana Keating, ASA and Finn Laurien, ASA

Chairperson: Finn Laurien

08:30–11:46 (CEST) | Room F2

Session: CL3.2.6 Climate extremes, biosphere and society: impacts, cascades, feedbacks, and resilience

11:40-11:46 (CEST)

Presentation: Systemic risk from the perspective of climate, environmental and disaster risk science and practice 

Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, ASA and Reinhard Mechler

08:52–08:59 (CEST) | Room 2.15

Presentation: Water Governing Systems: addressing conflicts between hydrological and institutional scales  

Peyman Arjomandi, ASA and Nadejda Komendantova, ASA

10:20–11:50 (CEST), 13:20–14:05 (CEST) | Room 0.49/50

Session: CL5.1.2 Emulators and simple climate models: development and applications

Convener and Chairperson: Christopher Smith, ECE


Presentation: Assessing the consistency of institutional pathways with the Paris Agreement  

Matthew J. Gidden, ECE


Presentation: Points of no return to respect the Paris Agreement 

Thomas Gasser, ECE and ASA 


Presentation: Pathfinder: a simple yet accurate carbon-climate model to explore climate change scenarios 

Thomas Gasser

11:05–11:46 (CEST) | Room N1

Session: ITS4.2/ERE1.11Solutions for a resilient natural environment: opportunities and challenges of ecosystem services assessment


Presentation: Co-evaluating and -designing a Sustainable Agriculture Matrix for Austria in an international context 

Christian Folberth, BNR, Thomas Schinko, POPJUS, and Susanne Hanger-Kopp, POPJUS

13:20-14:50 (CEST) | Room 0.96/97

Session: ERE1.2 Changes in energy and material demand as drivers, outcomes and solutions of the climate and environmental crisis

Convener: Jarmo Kikstra ECE, Co-convener: Volker Krey, ECE


Presentation: Potential for future reductions of global GHG and air pollutants from circular waste management systems 

Adriana Gomez Sanabria ECE, Gregor Kiesewetter ECE, Zbigniew Klimont, and Wolfgang Schoepp, ECE.


Presentation: Reducing the energy demand to achieve universal access to modern energy while ensuring women’s well-being: How much energy and carbon can be saved by fertility decline?  

Guillaume Marois POPJUS and Shonali Pachauri ECE

13:30–13:36 | Room F2

Presentation: The existential space of climate change and systemic risks

Reinhard Mechler

15:16–15:22 (CEST) |  Room 1.61/62

Presentation: Forensic disaster analysis of the 2021 summer floods in Western Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands – Findings from the PERC study 

Finn Laurien and Teresa Deubelli, ASA and POPJUS

Upcoming Events

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) & Online

German IIASA Networking Event: "Systems analysis for a sustainable and peaceful future"

Online and Austrian Academy of Sciences (Doktor-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, Vienna)

Sustainable Agency to Navigate the Anthropocene

Laxenburg, Austria

Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2024