Social and policy simulations, as well as serious games, are participatory processes through which diverse societal stakeholders collectively explore a complex reality and complex challenges. These participatory processes combine both social and natural science insights to foster experiential learning. They enable participants to make sense of the complexity associated with policy issues, and reflect on system inter-linkages and stakeholder plurality. These methods have become increasingly recognised for informing and guiding policy in complex settings, including sustainable development, climate change mitigation/adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
In the IIASA Strategic Initiative fairSTREAM, we create a toolkit of participatory methods that can be adapted to facilitate co-production of knowledge. Co-produced knowledge integrates diverse scientific and social discourses to create relevant and legitimate opportunities in the context of complex problems.
This application serves as an expansion of the Bayesian Reconstruction of Populations and Vital Rates by Educational Attainment (BayesEdu) project. Its objective is to integrate existing demographic data to generate accurate estimates of population sizes and vital rates categorized by educational attainment, while also considering associated uncertainties.
The IIASA/EQU Justice Framework comprehensively outlines justice in its multiple aspects with the aim to facilitate justice assessment across diverse research and policy contexts. It is meant to be accessible across disciplines, powerful in terms of capacity to express a variety of justice ideas, and modular so researchers can select and deploy the aspects that are most appropriate or useful.
A modeling framework for medium to long-term energy system planning, energy policy analysis, and scenario development
Water Security (WAT)
Integrated Biosphere Futures (IBF)
Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE)
Sustainable Service Systems (S3)
Pollution Management (PM)
Integrated Assessment and Climate Change (IACC)
Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions (TISS)
Multidimensional Demographic Modeling (MDM)
By applying the multi-state model of population dynamics, including differential fertility, mortality and migration rates, the IIASA Population and Just Societies Program has produced projections of the European and Asian population by age, sex and four levels of educational attainment, as well as population projections by age, sex, and level of educational attainment for the world. Additionally, new measures of aging, developed at IIASA, are presented for the world and world regions, and individual countries.
The Equity and Justice (EQU) Research Group has developed a number of decision-support and process-oriented methods. These tools help stakeholders and policy-makers make sense of the complex governance landscape, while clarifying trade-offs and synergies associated with alternative policy options.