This application serves as an expansion of the Bayesian Reconstruction of Populations and Vital Rates by Educational Attainment (BayesEdu) project. Its objective is to integrate existing demographic data to generate accurate estimates of population sizes and vital rates categorized by educational attainment, while also considering associated uncertainties.


The Population Africa website designed with Rshiny provides education-specific fertility estimates for African countries published in Durowaa-Boateng et al. 2023. These estimates were computed with Bayesian techniques and use multiple data sources. These data sources are the education-specific total fertility rates (ESTFR) from Yildiz et al. 2023, total and age-specific fertility rates from UN WPP and education-specific population sizes from the Wittgenstein center. The website was designed by researchers at the VID and IIASA.
Education fertility rates are downloadable in a csv format and available plots are downloadable in PNG format.



The website provides downloadable fertility estimates for African countries by five-year age groups and five-year period.
Downloadable R ggplot generated graphs are available for estimated countries.
All data and plots are customizable to country and years of choice.

Details on the methodology and framework can be found in Durowaa-Boateng et al. 2023.