IIASA and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) are co-hosting the public lecture "Waldbrände: Erforschen und Vorbeugen" (Forest fires: research and prevention) on the expected increase in dry periods and heat waves due to climate change. Please note that the lecture will be in German.
Forest fires cause millions of dollars in damage every year and due to the expected increase in dry periods and heat waves due to climate change, an increased occurrence of forest fires is to be expected in the future. Preventive measures make sense in areas that are already at risk today, or in regions where there may be an increased risk of forest fires due to changing environmental conditions. Research is committed to a better understanding of the causes of the emergence and spread of forest fires and to develop the basis for assessing the hazard, exposure and vulnerability of forests in order to assess forest fire risk.
In the Alpine country of Austria, hardly any attention was paid to forest fire documentation, forest fire research and forest fire management until a few years ago. With the Austrian Forest Fire Research Initiative (AFFRI), first steps have been taken to close the existing knowledge gaps. The research recommends an integrated forest fire management that understands the drivers of the current and future fire regime in mountain forests, takes into account the needs of people living in the Alpine region and aims to minimise the negative effects of fires. The elements of such forest fire management will be illustrated in the lecture using examples of prevention measures.
Ulrike Diebold | Vice President, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Andrey Krasovskiy | Senior Research Scholar, IIASA
Christian Köberl | Chairman, Austrian IIASA Council, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Lecture with discussion
Moderation: Christian Köberl | Chairman, Austrian IIASA Council, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Researching and preventing forest fires by Harald Vacik | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
There will be an opportunity for further discussions over drinks following the lecture.
Harald Vacik is a forest scientist and, as part of his research and teaching activities at the Institute of Silviculture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, deals with the evaluation of silvicultural measures and management concepts with regard to their sustainability, biodiversity and the potential for adaptation to climate change. For more than twenty years, he has been developing and applying methods, models and computer programs to support decision-making in complex problems. Numerous decision support systems have been designed for forestry practice within the framework of national and international research programmes.
Vacik is the founder of the Austrian Forest Fire Initiative (AFFRI) and the subregional Euro Alpine Fire Network of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC). Together with the forest fire team at BOKU, case studies on forest fires in Austria, investigations on forest fire danger, and forest fire behaviour are carried out as part of numerous research projects.
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