The IIASA fairSTREAM project aims develop and demonstrate a co-production methodology for including fairness in developing sustainable policy options at the intersection of issues related to food, water, and biodiversity. Join us for this open-house project meeting to share progress on the project objectives since its launch in 2021 and take part in the discussion.
Conflicting views on procedural and outcome fairness often remain unresolved and jeopardize finding viable solutions for many nexus issues. Improving our ability to understand and reconcile these claims about what is fair, is key for managing risks, for example, at the food-water-biodiversity nexus. This is a major challenge that requires the integration of multiple sources of knowledge and the cooperation of many different societal actors.
To support this endeavor, IIASA researchers need to align their expertise in co-designing participatory processes with those in quantitative modeling. To this end, the fairSTREAM project aims to create a methods toolkit for co-production that explicitly considers procedural and distributional justice. Based on this toolkit, the team will design and implement a co-production process, which will be supported and scaled up by quantifying distributional justice in stakeholder visions for future development. This will be achieved by building a large-scale agent-based model coupled to a hydrological and biodiversity model that simulates millions of individual farmers.
Since the project’s kick-off meeting, the team have joined efforts with partners in the Bhima Basin in India – the Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune (IISER Pune) – and started work on the fairSTREAM toolkit, the development of the co-production approach, the agent-based model framework, and mapping biodiversity values.
To accommodate the international project team, the meeting will take place online through Microsoft Teams. Please email [email protected] for a link.
Those physically attending the event at IIASA will have lunch together and enjoy an apero after the meeting.
10:00-10:15 (CEST)
13:30-13:45 (IST) Welcome and general update
10.15-11.15 (CEST) Session 1: Co-production, justice, and systems
13:45-14:45 (IST) analysis: update on the fairSTREAM toolkit
11.15-11.25 (CEST)
14:45-14:55 (IST) Break
11.25-12.25 (CEST) Session 2: Developments of the co-production
14:55-15:55 (IST) approach in Bhima
12.25-13.10 (CEST)
15:55-16:40 (IST) Long break (lunch for those at IIASA)
13.10-14.10 (CEST)
16:40-17:40 (IST) Session 3: Eliciting stakeholder biodiversity values
14.10-14.20 (CEST)
17:40-17:50 (IST) Break
14.20-15.20 (CEST) Session 4: Linking the co-produced knowledge to the
17:50-18:50 (IST) fairSTREAM agent-based model
15.20-15.25 (CEST)
18:50-18:55 (IST) Workshop concludes