IIASA researchers will participate in a joint conference in collaboration with three Horizon 2020 projects at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and EU Parliament in Brussels.

Currently, about 3.4% of the world’s population are international migrants – they have left their country of birth and settled in a new country. Global migration is expected to increase due to population growth and increased mobility resulting from rising income in poorer countries, political unrest, and climate change. 

"Future of Migration to Europe" a joint conference organized in collaboration with three Horizon 2020 projects, HumMingBird, FUME, and QuantMig will provide a platform for interactive discussion, knowledge exchange, and critical perspectives among participants from the European Parliament and the European Commission, migration scholars, experts, practitioners, and civil society organisations.

On the Academic Day at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, three Horizon 2020-funded projects – FUME, HumMingBird, and QuantMig – will share the results and experiences after several years of studying migration drivers, developing migration scenarios and future projections. On the Policy Day at the EU Parliament, researchers from the FUME and HumMingBird projects will engage with policy makers and practitioners to discuss how could the developed projections influence the decision-making process of European policy makers.

POPJUS researchers, Dilek Yildiz, Michaela Potancokova, Samir K.C. and Orlando Olaya Bucaro from the Multidimensional Demographic Modeling Research Group (MDM) and Migration and Sustainable Development Research Group (MIG) will present latest results of the projects Future Migration Scenarios for Europe (FUME) and Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy (QuantMig) at the conference.

IIASA contributions at the conference:

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

13:45 – 14:45  Traditional and new data: Questioning and improving the concept of evidence
Dr. Dilek Yildiz, IIASA  & Arkadiusz Wisniowski, The University of Manchester, FUME

16:00 – 16:45   What to foresee? Future scenarios for migration

  • Samir KC & Orlando Olaya Bucaro, IIASA, FUME
  • Michaela Potančoková, IIASA, QuantMig (online)

Thursday, April 27, 2023

10:00 – 10:45  What will migration to Europe look like in the future? Models and scenarios from the projects
Samir KC & Orlando Olaya Bucaro, IIASA, FUME

1:00 - 11:45   Round Table 1: Promises and perils of innovative approaches for the migration studies – political and academic perspectives
Samir KC, IIASA / Marina Georgati, AAU / Jacob Schewe, PIK / Arkadiusz Wisniowski, The University of Manchester, FUME

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