APPLY NOW! Applications for the 2025 YSSP are open until 13 January 2025. Click "Apply Today" below, to access the application website.

YSSP Application Milestones © IIASA

Apply © IIASA

Who should apply? Apply if...

  • You are an advanced graduate student, ideally 1-2 years from PhD degree.
  • Your field of study complements research at IIASA (see below for some guidance)
  • You are interested in interdisciplinary research.
  • You would like to apply your research to global challenges facing society.
  • Your research and career would benefit from working alongside 50 young scientists, as well as senior researchers, from around the world.

Information on the YSSP Application Process:

1. If you are an advanced Ph.D. student, check if your topic is compatible with ongoing IIASA research.  You will need to submit a research proposal for the project that you will work on while at IIASA. The proposal includes the following elements: abstract, research questions, methods, data requirements, innovative aspects, and expected results.

How to figure out which IIASA program/research group best fits your Ph.D. topic?
We recommend you familiarize yourself with IIASA research programs to better identify which one best suits your Ph.D. topic. We also recommend looking at some of the recent YSSP projects which can be found here.

2. Contact the respective IIASA program representative as soon as possible, if you have further questions or are unsure who would be a suitable mentor. Please draft your request using a pre-proposal (use this PDF form to orientate yourself as to the criteria to be fulfilled).

3. The final application needs to be submitted by the deadline: 13 January 2025. Click here to access the application portal.

4. Please note that IIASA does not have laboratories, therefore is not suitable for postdoctoral researchers looking to undertake lab-based research. 

5. Participation in the YSSP is only possible for one summer (however, you may apply several times) and you will need to be present at the institute in Laxenburg, Austria, for the full duration, i.e., three months of the program (no fieldwork or working remotely). Also, please note your research project must be completed and handed in by end of September

Who should apply?

The program is designed for advanced Ph.D. students working on a topic compatible with ongoing research at IIASA and wish to explore the policy implications of their work. Participants will be working under the direct mentorship of an experienced IIASA scientist in a unique interdisciplinary and international research environment. They will produce a paper (serving as a first step towards a publishable journal article) and get the opportunity to foster contacts for future collaboration within the institute's worldwide network.

Applicants can choose to work with up to two programs. We strongly encourage to carefully read through all program descriptions before making your decision.

Applicants from all countries are welcome, although IIASA gives priority to citizens or residents of Member Organizations (MO) countries.

Participation in the YSSP is only possible for one summer (however, you may apply several times) and you will need to be present at the institute (i.e. no fieldwork or working remotely) for the full duration of the program.

FAQ — Application process

Is there an upper age-limit for applicants?
No, there is no upper-age limit. The program is designed for advanced PhD students working on a topic compatible with the interdisciplinary IIASA research agenda.

How should I frame my research objectives?
You should look through the IIASA program webpages to get an idea what research is done at IIASA. To ensure reasonable supervision, your research should fit within the themes/expertise already ongoing at IIASA. It is a good idea to contact IIASA scientists directly to discuss your project. You may first want to start with the YSSP representative in each program.

Can I apply if I am not coming from a Member Organization (MO) country?
Yes, we accept applications from all countries. Funding then needs to be covered through own sources. For exceptional cases, IIASA provides special funding as well. 

Can I apply even if I am not yet enrolled in a PhD Program?
No, the program is primarily designed for students in the latter stages of their PhD.

What are the dates of the program?
The program usually runs from the first week of June until end of August. Depending on weekends and holidays, the exact days may vary.

Do I have to be present at IIASA during the whole three months?
Yes. The YSSP is a full time activity. However, up to FIVE (5) leave days (working days) are granted and are subject to approval by your IIASA mentor.