Achieving true equity at IIASA necessitates dedicated and ongoing efforts. The inaugural Gender Equality Report 2023 documents valuable lessons from implementing a gender equality plan at IIASA, using indicators developed and collected for the year 2023. The Institute began this journey to create a more inclusive environment where people of all genders can thrive. By sharing these experiences, IIASA aims to contribute to the broader effort to achieve gender equality across institutions.  

The IIASA Gender Equality Report presents the Institute's performance in terms of gender representation in leadership, gender distribution among scientific and operational employees, the gender pay gap, gender equality in recruitment and career progression, work-life balance and organizational culture, integration of the gender dimension into research, and measures against gender-based violence. Every section is tailored to meet the gender equality indicators outlined in the IIASA Gender Equality Plan.

All staff gender 2023: total 380*


* Number includes the IIASA Executive Committee

Gender representation in leadership positions:

Executive Committee (DG, Deputy DG, COO) 2 1 3
Program Director 4* 2* 6
Research Group Leader 12 3 15
Head of department 4 1 5
Head of unit   1 1
Dean, Capacity Development & Academic Training    1   1
Total 23 8 31

* One man and one woman fulfill dual roles as both Program Director and Research Group Leader

Gender representation in research profiles and operational employees

gender representation © IIASA


Gender pay gap at IIASA: 3,46%

Gender representation in publications

Gender Number of publications Head count author Ratio IIASA publication per head count
Men 571 240 2.38
Women 325 115 2.83


Gender Number of publications Head count IIASA first author Ratio IIASA publication per head count as first author
Men 210 118 1.78
Women 119 61 1.95


Gender representation in the Young Summer Scientists Program participants

Women Men Total Nationalities
22 28 50 Austria, Brazil, People's Republic of China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Rep. Korea, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, United States (23 countries)