Anastasia Aldelina Lijadi profile picture

Anastasia Aldelina Lijadi

Gender Equality Officer

Directorate - DG Department

Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director General

Directorate - DDG Department


Anastasia Aldelina Lijadi is the Executive Assistant to the IIASA Deputy Director General for Science. In addition to this role, Anastasia also serves as IIASA Gender Equality Officer and Chair of the Forum of Gender Equality and Inclusion since mid-August 2023. Prior to this, Anastasia was a research scholar with the World Population Program (now the Population and Just Societies Program). She was part of the team working under a 2017-ERC grant, seeking to make an unconventional cross-disciplinary contribution to developing a new human well-being indicator.

In pursuing her research interest in the well-being of the diaspora, Anastasia joins and elected as the Vice President of the Family in Global Transition (FIGT) - a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. FIGT promotes cross-sectoral connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world. Prior to this position, she was as Research and Education Director (2019-2022). Anastasia also serves as the Associate Editor for The International Journal of School & Educational Psychology (IJSEP) and the official journal of The International School Psychology Association (ISPA), which addresses issues of professional importance to the success of children, youth, and families in academics and in life.

Anastasia completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Macau. Her PhD dissertation won the 2015 Atlas TI Award for the best dissertation using qualitative methods at PhD level from the International Institute of Qualitative Method, University of Alberta. She received her master's degree in Counseling and Psychotherapy from University of Saint Joseph, Macau, and a bachelor degree in Economics from University of Indonesia.

Last update: 11 AUG 2023