The IIASA Women in Science Club (WISC) is a network for people connected to science at IIASA interested in amplifying the scientific contributions of women.

WISC members with Prof. Helga Kromp-Kolb
IIASA has more than 380 researchers from 48 countries working on issues of global change and sustainability. At the heart of IIASA’s research is the idea that complex global issues problems cannot be tackled by a single country or academic discipline. Collaboration and networking are key to tackling complex problems and making the connection from science to policy for IIASA scientists. Strong networks and long term collaborations produce excellent science but they can also be exclusive, and barriers can make it difficult for those outside the network to thrive. Women are generally underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) as well as at IIASA and have found similar challenges in navigating their careers. In an institute seminar with Finnish President Halonen, the importance of networking and institutional support for diversity and equity was discussed and led researchers and professionals at IIASA to form a Women in Science Club.
IIASA's Women in Science Club (WISC) was formed as a network to provide professional development opportunities and support for women to navigate their careers connected to science. It is a network of people connected to science at IIASA interested in supporting and amplifying the contributions of women.

WISC was formed in 2017 at IIASA to improve gender balance at the institute by amplifying the participation of women connected to science.

WISC aims to promote and support women connected to science at IIASA and provide a networking platform for tackling the intersectional challenges facing women in science.

IIASA staff and alumni are invited to share your experiences in a meet, greet & eat session, participate in the pilot WISC mentoring program, share professional development opportunities, and support the WIS Fund!

Our events are open to everyone in the IIASA community whatever their gender or professional background. We are supported by club dues and by the Staff Association Committee (STAC).
Other organizations promoting women in science that our members have joined:
500 Women Scientists @500womensci
Their Request a Woman Scientist platform connects their multidisciplinary network of vetted women in science with anyone who needs to consult a scientist for a news story, invite a keynote speaker or panelist for a conference or workshop, find a woman scientist to collaborate on a project, or serve as a subject matter expert in any capacity. Join this network by signing up to be a resource!
Skype a Scientist
Skype a Scientist matches scientists with classrooms around the world. Inspire the next generation with your research without leaving your desk by signing up!
Homeward Bound @homewardboundprojects
Homeward Bound is a leadership outreach initiative for women from STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, medicine) backgrounds.
The program has four core development components: leadership development, strategic capability, visibility and science communication, and science collaboration. These are delivered during the 12-month program, with online content and collaborative learning pre-voyage (10-11 months), on the ground in Ushuaia, Argentina (pre-voyage) and whilst on-board the ship in Antarctica. Apply to their next program!
Association for Women in Science
Join a global network "that inspires bold leadership, research, and solutions that advance women in STEM, spark innovation, promote organizational success and drive systemic change."
Association for Women in Mathematics
Join AWM "to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences."
European Platform of Women Scientists
This organization's mission is to "give women researchers at all stages of their career-paths a voice in the European research policy debate, by forging a link between women scientists and European research policy-makers at EU level.
Lean In Circles
Join or start a Lean In Circle in your area to meet with other women to share ideas, gain skills, and seek advice.
With the initiative FEMtech the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) supports women in research and technology and promotes equal opportunities in industrial and non-university-research, at universities of applied sciences and in focus areas of research and technology.
Use their database to find experts in selected fields or enter your name and area of expertise to join their network.