C-GLOPS: Copernicus Global Land Cover maps at a 100m resolution
Citizen Science for Landslide Risk Reduction and Disaster Resilience Building in Mountain Regions (Landslide EVO)
Citizens for Copernicus: Combing Copernicus and Crowdsource Data for Forest Resources Monitoring (C4C)
Clean Air Strategies for Europe
Climate Action to Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe (CATALYSE)
Climate change induced waterstress: challenges and opportunities in Austrian regions (WaterStressAT)
Climate Impacts of a hydrogen economy: The pathway to knowledge (HYway)
Climate mitigation through achieving biodiversity targets
Climate pOlicy assessment and Mitigation Modeling to Integrate national and global TransiTion pathways for Environmental-friendly Development (COMMITTED)
Climate resilient policy-led bioeconomy pathways (BIOCLIMAPATHS)
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX (CLIMAAX)
CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange Costs (COACCH)
CO-development of Methods to utilize uncertain multi-model based Information on freshwater-related hazards of Climate Change (CO-MICC)
Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity (RAINFOREST)
Cognitive health in aging society – The role of context for cognitive functioning and related policy implications in Europe (CHIAS)
Collecting in-situ Data for Earth Observation Product Validation via Social Games (LandSpotting)
Comprehensive Framework for the Future of Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Socio-Environmental Issues in a Transboundary River Basin (FNIT): Case Study, Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Basin
Constraining uncertainty of multi decadal climate projections (CONSTRAIN)
Creating incentives for deep transformative changes in the building sector (TransBuild)
Creating leverage to enhance biodiversity outcomes of global biomass trade (CLEVER)
CROPS – Curating, Replicating, Orchestrating, and Propagating Citizen Science across Europe
Crowdsourcing for post-disaster damage mapping
Cutting Greenhouse Gases in Europe