A comprehensive method for medium-term analysis and forecasting of global monthly prices of agricultural commodities (CMAF)
A European Approach to GEOSS (EuroGEOSS)
A Gathering place to cO-design and co-cReate Adaptation (Adaptation AGORA)
AAR2 - Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change
Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology (AI4SoilHealth)
Addressing Energy Transition Gaps in Climate and Energy Model Regions of Austria Through Policy Co-Designing (CoDesign)
Advanced ensemble projections for indirect impacts of nuclear conflict in global food systems (ANFOS)
Advancing WFaS East Africa: Scaling out resilient water and agricultural systems (scaleWAYS)
Age and Cohort Change (ACC)
Ageing Trajectories of Health: Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS)
Agent-based models to inform economic policies on migration (ABM2Policy)
Air Quality Management in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Himalayan Foothills (GAINS-IGP-HF)
Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management (ALTERFOR)
ALternative Pathways toward Sustainable development and climate stabilization (ALPS)
Amazon Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (AmazonFACE)
An empirical analysis of environmental inequality in the EU (EnvIneqEU)
Analysis of Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals of EU Buildings and Construction
Applying Complexity Science to Modeling the Digital Platform Economy (Com-DPE)
ASPIRE: Assessment of Innovative Energy Technologies and Exploration of Decarbonized Energy System Using Novel Global Energy System Model
Assessing Climate Change Risk in Europe (ACCREU)
Assessing Fisheries Sustainability in Burkina Faso (SusFish)
Assessing the distributional effects of climate change impacts and adaptation in Austria, for just, targeted and efficient adaptation (DISCC-AT)
Assessment of alternative aviation fuels development (ALTERNATE )
Assessment of carbon cycling of forests based on advanced systems methodologies (FORCU)
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