The core objective of ACCREU is to cover the existing knowledge gaps investigating, in a fully integrated framework, climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation and prospects for a social and economic sustainable development. This means to identify challenges, highlight opportunities, and deliver practical solutions to policy and decision making and societal actors at the EU, EU Member State, region, and community level to accelerate a just societal transformation towards climate resilience in the short, medium, and long-term.
Leading the IMPACTS work package (WP2), IIASA aims to synergistically address the impacts of climate change on food, energy, water, biodiversity, and ecosystems through interdisciplinary research from the Integrated Biosphere Futures (IBF), Water Security (WAT), and Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation (BEC) research groups. These IIASA-led outputs will be used to produce policy relevant, accessible and usable solutions and inform adaptation case studies in the ADAPTATION Workpackage (WP3). IIASA leads and participates in adaptation case studies with the focus on water-food nexus nexus in Thaya and Ebro River basins and the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Lido Beach area in Venice, Italy. IIASA’s BNR contributions will be used in the adaptation case studies as well as within the integrated assessment modeling work in the INTEGRATION Work Package 4.
The Integrated Biosphere Futures research group will further expand the IIASA integrated assessment modeling chain to provide a thorough understanding of the complex interactions between climate change, land use, water resources, and economic systems. IIASA’s impact assessment modeling chain integrates various models and data sources from the CMIP6 climate projections and the latest revision of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) database (v3.0.1) to assess the impacts of climate change and adaptation on land-based sectors.
The Water Security research group will contribute additional hydrological simulations under the CMIP6 climate projections. The group will also integrate the new SSP projections for population, GDP per capita, and urbanization to provide updated high-resolution annual water withdrawal and consumption estimates for domestic and industrial use across Europe from 2020 to 2100.
The Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation research group forecasts biodiversity changes under future climate change and wildfire projections, estimates biodiversity and ecosystems' economic contributions, and identifies priority conservation areas and management-related costs.
Consortium Partners
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is one of fourteen consortium partners of the Assessing Climate Change Risk in Europe (ACCREU) project. Funded by the European Union, the project aims to advance interdisciplinary knowledge of EU climate change risk and adaptation that can be used directly by stakeholder communities.
The fifteen partners of the ACCREU consortium:
- Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) – Coordinator
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
- Universitaeät Graz
- Stichting VU
- Ecologic Institut
- Ca’ Foscari University Venice
- Asociación BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)
- Stichting Deltares
- Potsdam-Institut Fur Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
- Global Climate Forum (GCF)
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
- Climate Analytics
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Paul Watkiss Associates (PWA)
- The Cyprus Institute (CyI)