The NaturaConnect project team, co-coordinated by Piero Visconti (IIASA) and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), is meeting between the 16 – 19 September, in Grenoble, France. This annual internal meeting brings together the partners of the NaturaConnect Consortium to take stock of and celebrate key project milestones and plan and coordinate upcoming work in 2025. Around 40 members of the Consortium will be attending the meeting, which is being hosted by Consortium partner and one of the six NaturaConnect case study leads, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
The NaturaConnect project is supporting EU Member States in developing a blueprint for a coherent Trans-European Nature Network of conserved areas, that protects at least 30% of land in the EU, with at least one third under strict protection. The project is:
- Addressing gaps in coherence and ecological representativeness of existing protection measures;
- Identifying priority areas for protecting and restoring multifunctional corridors;
- Engaging relevant stakeholders and co-designing tools and guidelines with them for maximal uptake;
- Developing future scenarios of nature in Europe based on stakeholders’ societal values and needs;
- Reviewing and disseminating spatial planning practices and conservation funding mechanisms and demonstrating in case studies how the decision support tools from the project can be applied across scales and contexts; and
- Bringing together state-of-the-art biodiversity and ecosystem service data and predictive models to contribute to the design of the TEN-N and a European monitoring system.
Over the four days, progress towards these project aims will be addressed through presentations, plenary discussions, capacity building and knowledge exchange workshops, breakout groups, and an excursion to a site of national conservation importance.
More information on the project can be found here: Please contact if you would like to know more about our research.
Upcoming Events
Biedermannsdorf Pfarrstadl (access via Kirchenplatz)
Interactive panel discussion featuring Elina Brutschin
University of Applied Arts, Vienna
IIASA colleagues presenting at the 5th Circular Strategies Symposium
Odeon Theater, Taborstraße 10, 1020 Vienna
End to begin: Interactive stage production addressing the state and future of our planet
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