This September, join us in the United Kingdom to discuss and learn about the latest developments in climate tipping points. This conference will consider the global and local risks from climate tipping points, and identify opportunities for positive tipping points for different regions, communities, sectors, and supply chains.

This conference is part of a series that aims to advance the knowledge about tipping elements in the Earth's climate systems. It will serve as a call to action to form an alliance to improve warnings of the proximity of catastrophic climate tipping points and to accelerate positive tipping points to avert the climate crisis. The meeting will cover the latest developments in both negative and positive tipping points, at scales from local to global, and from theory to practice. It will consider the risks from climate tipping points and opportunities for positive tipping points for different regions, communities, sectors, and supply chains.

We will inspire, inform, and listen to attendees on how to deliver positive tipping points across your sectors, communities, and countries. Through participating in the meeting you can join a growing alliance of partners that are working to develop the urgent and rapid solutions required to address the climate and ecological emergency through a socially just transformation. Working with world-leading experts in tipping points science, together we can harness our resources to accelerate positive change and realize the associated benefits.

Confirmed speakers include Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Tim Lenton, Director of Global Systems Institute, Kate Raworth, co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Labs and Laura Pereira, the University of the Witwatersrand.

Over three days participants will go on a journey from facing up to the risks from climate change tipping points to being empowered by the opportunities in triggering positive social tipping points. This is an in-person meeting; however, some talks will be live-streamed for virtual audiences. The program will involve ‘state-of-the-art’ plenaries and workshops to advance the research and action agendas.


Reserve your place now

Registration deadline 8 August.

Late booking and final deadline 21 August


Please have a look at the latest program for further information on the speakers, workshops and plenaries.

Participants will join a growing alliance of partners collaborating to develop the urgent solutions required to address the climate and ecological emergencies through a socially just transformation. 

Key themes are:

  • Climate tipping points risks and how to manage them
  • Interacting tipping points across climate, ecological and social systems
  • Identifying positive tipping points across sectors and societies
  • How to trigger positive tipping points

If you would like to submit an abstract to the conference, please do so here, deadline 8 August. If successful, you will have an opportunity to present a poster and possibly a lightning talk during the conference.

We hope you will join us for three intensive, creative, and rewarding days at a critical moment for humanity.

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