IIASA Director General Albert van Jaarsveld delivered a lecture at Comenius University in Bratislava on the occasion of the institute's 50th Anniversary.

Signing of MoU © IIASA

L-R: Gansen Pillay (IIASA), Albert van Jaarsveld (IIASA), and Peter Fedor (Comenius University) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). 

The lecture titled "Global change and systems solutions" was attended by the teaching staff and students of Comenius University. Albert van Jaarsveld introduced the audience to IIASA, its history, advanced models and tools. He also responded to numerous questions that emerged from the discussions.

Prior to the lecture, leaders of IIASA and Comenius University signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Scientific Cooperation. The document allows both institutions to develop closer collaboration through the exchange of expertise and conduct of research to better optimize the synergies from their respective fields of specialization.

During the visit to Bratislava the IIASA delegation met with the leadership of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Concrete ways on how to build closer engagements between IIASA and the Slovak academic community were discussed.

Lecture at Comenius University in Bratislava © IIASA

IIASA Director General Albert van Jaarsveld holds a lecture at Comenius University in Bratislava

IIASA - Slovak Academy of Sciences © Martin Bystriansky/SAS

IIASA delegation meets with the leadership of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

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