IIASA researchers will attend the 21st ISQOLS Annual Conference 2023 organized by the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) aims to promote research on quality of life, well-being and happiness, as well as to provide evidence-based support for designing and implementing well-being policies. Its annual conferences constitute a central instrument in attaining the Society’s goals.
This year conference with the theme "Towards a People-First Economy and Society: A World to Win" offers a forum for discussion of the research findings concerning quality of life, well-being, and happiness.
IIASA researchers will present the latest results of the project "Empowered Life Years" with a focus on human well-being from demographic perspective.
For detailed information on ISQOLS 2023 please visit the event website.
IIASA contributions at the ISQOLS 2023:
Session 7H: Cultures and the History of Well-Being, 11:00-12:30
- Well-Being Indicators: a Review on the Evolvement of Indicators Selection and Cross-Cultural Responsiveness
A. Lijadi
- In Search for a Wellbeing Indicator to Serve as Sustainability Criterion
W. Lutz - Inter-Cultural Acceptability of Years of Good Life (YoGL) Indicator as an Ultimate End of Sustainable Development
A. KC, A. Lijadi - A Comprehensive Systems Model for Sustainable Development with Well-Being as Outcome Variable
S. Eker, M. Kuhn, C. Reiter & W. Lutz