The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024
Publications about Colombia
Title | Type | Publisher | Date Sort ascending | Journal |
Toward a forest biomass reference measurement system for remote sensing applications | article | Wiley-Blackwell | Global Change Biology | |
Understanding systemic land use dynamics in conflict-affected territories: The cases of Cesar and Caquetá, Colombia | article | Public Library of Science (PLoS) | PLoS ONE | |
Greenhouse gas emission scenarios in nine key non-G20 countries: An assessment of progress toward 2030 climate targets | article | Elsevier | Environmental Science & Policy | |
Evaluation of anthropogenic air pollutant emission inventories for South America at national and city scale | article | Elsevier | Atmospheric Environment | |
Integrating the Water Planetary Boundary With Water Management From Local to Global Scales | article | Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Earth's Future |
Publications co-authored with institutions in Colombia
Publications by IIASA researchers from Colombia
Projects related to Colombia
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Classification |
Metrics, Models and Foresight for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in the EU Agro-Food Sector | 2015 | 2019 | SUSFANS | Global |
Lancet CDwn2019: Global indicators for health impacts of exposure to fine particulate matter | 2019 | 2019 | Lancet CDwn2019 | Global |
Using crowdsourcing and innovative approaches to evaluate and validate ESA’s land cover products | 2018 | 2019 | CrowdVal | Global |
Global Methane Scenarios 2018 | 2018 | 2019 | CH4-AMAP 2018 | Global |
Re-Ageing: Reassessing Ageing from a Population Perspective | 2013 | 2019 | Re-Ageing | Global |
Modelling sustainable energy systems, formulation of an early-warning system and adaptive policy pathways for UNECE | 2017 | 2019 | MSES | Global |
Science-based silviculture: Developing a new framework for science-based silviculture to meet the demands of a biobased society | 2019 | 2019 | s-b silvicult. | Global |
Sustainable use of European forests for developing the bioeconomy | 2016 | 2019 | SusFOR | Global |
Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks | 2015 | 2019 | DIABOLO | Global |
OSCE FeasStudy: Feasibility study on the establishment of OSCE thematic CenterslHubs/Centers for Analysis and Research in the Second Dimension | 2019 | 2019 | OSCE FeasStudy | Global |
Projects sponsored by funders from Colombia
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Funder |
Mitigate+ Research for Low-Emission Food Systems | 2022 | 2023 | Mitigate+ | International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) |
Number of times participants from Colombia joined IIASA events
Number of times visitors from Colombia came to IIASA
IIASA staff visits to Colombia
- Women
- Men
Staff members from Colombia
- Women
- Men
YSSPers from Colombia
- Women
- Men
- Unknown
Total number of alumni from Colombia
02 October 2024
IIASA and Latin American Ambassadors explore new collaborative opportunities
On 23 September 2024, a distinguished delegation of Heads of Missions from the Latin American region, led by its Dean, Ambassador Juan Francisco Facetti Fernandez, Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the International Organizations in Vienna, visited IIASA to explore avenues for meaningful research collaborations.
27 June 2024
Exploring plant-based food alternatives to advance global sustainability
Shifting diets could yield major improvements for climate and biodiversity. IIASA researchers found that replacing half of all main meat and milk products with plant-based alternatives by 2050 can reduce agriculture and land userelated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% and halt the degradation of forests and natural land.

14 July 2023
Ambitious ecological restoration and deforestation control strategies could support Colombia’s climate and biodiversity targets
IIASA researchers Juliana Arbelaez-Gaviria and Eleanor Warren-Thomas have coauthored a new policy brief published with the Colombia team of the Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium, an initiative under the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) and part of the UN Sustainable Development and Solutions Network (UNSDSN). The brief outlines how deforestation and ecological restoration in Colombia may impact carbon, biodiversity, and agricultural production by 2030.