
17 July 2024
Summer Researchers Join AFE to Tackle Global Wildfire Occurrences
Summer season is traditionally a period when researchers from different corners of the globe, being united by a passion for systems analysis, gather at IIASA. This year, the FLAM team has welcomed two brilliant persons with diverse backgrounds – an intern and a guest research assistant – who are eager to contribute their unique perspectives to a shared research topic. We are happy to introduce these dynamic individuals and hear their expectations as they embark on this scientific journey at IIASA with us.

20 October 2023
Successful joint workshop supports equitable development in rural Africa
A workshop on the water-energy-land nexus jointly organized by IIASA and the World Resources Institute in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, brought together 30 researchers and practitioners from 14 African countries to deliberate on equitable development in rural Africa.

26 November 2024
How science diplomacy can help combat climate change
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), traditional approaches are not enough to meet the climate goals. In the search for new ways forward, science diplomacy could offer a powerful avenue for fostering the cooperation needed to develop effective solutions. IIASA 2024 Science Communication Intern, Moritz Boeswirth explored this topic.