Summer season is traditionally a period when researchers from different corners of the globe, being united by a passion for systems analysis, gather at IIASA. This year, the FLAM team has welcomed two brilliant persons with diverse backgrounds – an intern and a guest research assistant – who are eager to contribute their unique perspectives to a shared research topic. We are happy to introduce these dynamic individuals and hear their expectations as they embark on this scientific journey at IIASA with us.
Htoo Htoo Lwin
Our new intern Htoo Htoo Lwin is a master’s student in European Forestry through Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s degree programme. She has completed first year studies at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and will continue studying at the Universitat de Lleida (UdL) in Spain. Htoo Htoo has experience working as a project assistant in assessing the integrated pest and disease management in teak plantations in Myanmar which was a collaborative project between Asian Forest Cooperation Organization and Forest Research Institute, Yezin Myanmar. She also worked as a research assistant facilitating the international consultant in the safeguard review for tiger conservation project in Southern Myanmar.
Htoo Htoo has been particularly interested in natural resource management and forest ecology using advanced machine learning algorithm and technological tools, as well as in spatial analysis using R and GIS tools. When she discovered wildFire cLimate impacts and Adaptation Model (FLAM), she was immediately dragged and decided do the internship. She sees this as a valuable opportunity to experience the real research activities and firmly believes that working in an international environment will significantly contribute not only to her studies but also to her career growth.
Outside of the office hours, she usually spends time alone by listening to music, watching movies and taking pictures of the nature. An interesting fact from her life is that she has the fear of electricity and now she will be dealing with the electric powerlines for her research tasks. However, as her involvement will be more analytical and data-focused, this is an ironic situation making her feel relieved to tackle without needing to physically interact with the lines.
Kanak Biswas
Kanak Biswas, a guest research assistant referred from the Environmental Systems Laboratory (Syslab), is currently in her first year of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s program in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM) at the Central European University, Austria, the University of Manchester, UK, and the University of the Aegean, Greece. Her academic journey reflects a keen interest in landscape ecology, and she is passionate about using multi-source data and remote sensing techniques to improve sustainable environmental management strategies. She has gained hands-on experience through multiple natural resources management projects, both locally and internationally.
Captivated by the AFE group's pioneering research, Kanak seeks to thrive within a collaborative, interactive, and diverse environment, envisaging valuable mentorship from distinguished experts as well as engaging with a wide array of talented researchers. Kanak aims to deepen her understanding of wildfire dynamics and their socio-economic implications, ultimately informing evidence-based policies and strategies to strengthen resilience and mitigate impacts on communities and ecosystems.
Beyond her working pursuits, Kanak's hobby is a blend of exploring new destinations, savoring diverse cuisines, and immersing herself in the music, weaving together a tapestry of unforgettable experiences.
Kanak and Htoo Htoo will work under the guidance of Dr Andrey Krasovskiy and Dr Florian Kraxner with co-supervision of Htoo Htoo by Dr Hyun-Woo Jo and co-supervision of Kanak by Pavel Kiparisov, and they both will focus on how the powerlines impact wildfire occurrences globally. The FLAM team is thrilled to welcome this duo of researchers, each bringing their unique talents and perspectives. We wish them an inspiring stay at IIASA, and may their time with us be filled with discovery and growth.

20 October 2023